Občianske práva

Un obbligo di registrazione dei custodi potrebbe ridurre la conservazione di molte varietà

Petícia je zameraná na
European Commission
10 974

Zbierka bola ukončená

10 974

Zbierka bola ukončená

  1. Zahájená 2022
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Odovzdané dňa 01.01.2024
  4. Dialóg s príjemcom
  5. Rozhodnutie

25. 03. 2022, 13:59

Dear supporters,

The EU Commission is conducting a consultation on the planned reform of EU seed law. The first legislative proposal is expected by the end of 2022. Citizens and organisations, whether in the EU or outside the EU, can participate in the consultation until 27 March 2022.

The Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt e.V. provides information about its response, as straightforward as possible, see

In Sweden, over 1000 citizens have already taken part, although it takes some effort. High participation despite hurdles - this would be a great start for the already very controversial reform process.

Please join in!

Kind regards

Susanne Gura
Member of the Board
Umbrella Association for Conservation of Cultivated Plants and Breeds

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