Punë të jashtme

Embargo Russian Fuels – Bankrupt Putin // #EmbargoRussianFuels #bankruptPutin

Peticioni drejtohet tek
EU commission president Ursula von der Leyen; US president Joe Biden; UK prime minister Boris Johnson; Président français Emmanuel Macron; Deutscher Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz; political leaders of the free world
193 Mbështetëse

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

193 Mbështetëse

Kërkuesi nuk e ka paraqitur peticionin.

  1. Filluar 2022
  2. Mbledhja mbaroi
  3. ngritur më 24/02/2025
  4. Dialog
  5. I dështuar

04.03.2022, 19:01

itallic used in the reasons instead of the petition and moved "share this petition" to 2nd place of actions

Nový text petice :

Russia sends more and more troops to Ukraine, bombs civilian objects and threatens the West with nuclear weapons. There is nothing to wait for any more. We have to use every possible sanction to get Putin’s regime on its knees as quickly as we can. A bankrupt country cannot wage war either with Ukraine or with any other country. Our objective, however, is not the suffering of ordinary Russian citizens, but making the ruling class of oligarchs so afraid of our resolve that they will be glad to stop this aggression.

That is why we, the citizens of countries of this world, request the following from our political representatives:

  • immediately impose the strongest possible sanctions against Russia
  • immediately impose equivalent sanctions against Belarus, whose regime takes part in this invasion alongside Russia
  • immediately introduce a package of sanctions against China, whose economic support is what is enabling Putin to wage this war and soften the effects of the sanctions that were imposed

Our goal is not to forever cut the trade ties with these countries, but to end this war as soon as possible, so that the world can get back to normal again. If Putin loses the support of these countries and of the Russian oligarchs, this war will be over.

By signing this petition we accept consequences this can have on our comfort and standard of living, because even if we had to organize public fund-raisers to support our fellow citizens, it is incomparable to the suffering of the Ukrainian people, or to implications for our own security in the case of success of the Russian aggression.

The aim of this petition is to unite and concentrate the voices that are already calling for tighter sanctions, and to raise awareness amongst those who still hesitate.

***** How to make this happen *****

  1. Sign this petition.
  2. Share this petition. Short link: openpetition.eu/!bankruptputin
  3. Use the hashtag #bankruptPutin on social media.
  4. Attend protests with a placard #bankruptPutin and demand tightening of sanctions.
  5. Write to your political representatives with the #bankruptPutin in the subject line.
  6. Share this petition. Short link: openpetition.eu/!bankruptputin

Nový konec výkresu : 10.03.2022
Podpisy v době změny: 67

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