Лого Consortium of the European project DOIT - Make Young Social Innovators

Consortium of the European project DOIT - Make Young Social Innovators

„DOIT – Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world“ is a H2020 funded research and innovation project that aims to deliver and spread a new approach for early entrepreneurship education within Europe.

The DOIT project consortium contributes to European educational research, policy and practice by
• closing a research gap concerning early entrepreneurial education with validating a new entrepreneurial learning approach with 1.000 children Europe-wide
• developing tools and training material for 6 to 16 years olds and facilitators (online-
• supporting educational policy development support.
The project empowers primary and secondary school pupils (6-16 years) alongside educators to apply open innovation methods, digital maker tools and collaboration skills to tackle societal problems. It has developed a toolbox for children as well facilitators, which provide complementary knowhow and support. They are designed for experiencing being a social innovator in mobile and fixed child-friendly makerspaces and are easily accessible at the interactive DOIT toolbox. https://www.doit-europe.net/toolbox#/welcome

уебсайт: www.doit-europe.net

Петиции, стартирани от членове на организацията

50 Поддържащ
10.2021 г. завършен
50 Поддържащ
10.2021 г. завършен

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