
Zero tolerance for profit from aborted babies

Petīcijas iesniedzējs nav publisks
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261 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

261 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

  1. Sākās 2021
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Iesniegts
  4. Dialogs
  5. Neizdevās

Petition richtet sich an: Pharmaindustrie

It is a known policy within the pharmaceutical industry to work with human cell lines, which are the product of abortions that took place in the early 1960s and 1970s.
The cell lines are often used in drug research, for example in the production of vaccines. Vaccine manufacturers are usually allowed to use these cell lines from aborted humans in the following three cases:

  1. In the development of the vaccine
  2. To ensure the efficacy of the vaccine
  3. For the production of the vaccine

The most recent case is the COVID-19 vaccine. Although f.e. neither 'Pfizer' nor 'Moderna', whose vaccines are distributed in large numbers around the world, used cell lines for the development or production of their vaccine, these vaccines were nevertheless tested on such cell lines.
This precedent opens doors to other cases of using these cell lines in other processes or products. We have zero tolerance for pharmaceutical companies profiting from abortion. We demand alternatives to these technologies!
We therefore urge all pharmaceutical companies to STOP the use of cells and cell lines from human embryos/fetuses in medical research!
We want morally acceptable alternatives to this!


In the 1960s and 1970s, cells were taken from the foetus/embryo during selected abortions and taken to a laboratory. There, these cells grew and were multiplied. The results are human cell lines.
Currently, there are the following cell lines, among others: WI-38, HEK-293, PER C-6 and WALVAX-2. For example, HEK stands for "Human Embryonic Kidney" and 293 is the number of experiments that were needed to develop this cell line.
Many companies working in the pharmaceutical field are still using these human cell lines and therefore pharmaceutical companies gain profit from the deliberate killing of unborn humans.

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Informācija par petīciju

Petition gestartet: 25.01.2021
Petition endet: 24.04.2021
Reģions: Eiropas Savienība
Kategorija: Zinātne

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