We request that NATO and its allies provide the Ukrainian army with long-distance missiles.

Петицията е адресирана до

9 Подписи

Вносителят на петицията не е подал/доставил петицията.

9 Подписи

Вносителят на петицията не е подал/доставил петицията.

  1. Започна октомври 2022
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Изпратено
  4. Диалогов прозорец
  5. Провалени

Petition richtet sich an: NATO

Putin and his army have, in less than 9 months, displaced millions of people, murdered tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and ruined cities. 
This attack on Ukraine, and Europe, must stop! 
To end the terror, we request that NATO and its allies provide the Ukrainian army with long-distance missiles to help protect their people and land. 
Ukraine needs these weapons to destroy military facilities and their control centers in the Russian Federation.


The continuing attack on Ukraine is resulting in a mass loss of life and contributing to a significant economic crisis in Ukraine and worldwide. 
Also, allowing a dictator like Putin to stay in power without consequences is not only threatening peace and democracy in the world but also showing future dictators what they can get away with. 
As a global community, we cannot allow this to continue and must do everything in our power to STOP PUTIN NOW!

Благодарим ви за вашата подкрепа, Natalia Goncharova извън , Zaporozhzhia
Въпрос към инициатора

Линк към петицията

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Информация за петицията

Petition gestartet: 10.10.2022 г.
Petition endet: 09.12.2022 г.
Регион: Европейски съюз


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