Teach for Youth -- Upgrade to Erasmus 2.0

Петицията е адресирана до
European Commission
0 Поддържащ 0 в / след Европейски съюз

Петицията е оттеглена от вносителя

0 Поддържащ 0 в / след Европейски съюз

Петицията е оттеглена от вносителя

  1. Започна 2013
  2. Колекцията приключи
  3. Изпратено
  4. Диалогов прозорец
  5. Провалени

Това е европейска гражданска инициатива.


Eliminating educational inequity within the EU by enrolling highly motivated and high-achieving recent EU college graduates and postgraduates to teach for one to two years in urban and rural low-income communities throughout the EU. The objective is threefold: (1) Enabling recent college graduates and postgraduates to gain a real-life experience and the self-confidence that comes with it, thus making their later insertion on the job market easier; (2) Enabling EU pupils who do not have access to equitable educational opportunities, notably learning another official language of the EU, to do so; (3) Enabling those pupils who live in low-income areas to develop a real European sense of belonging – or affectio societatis – through contact between them and other EU citizens during their childhood and teenage hood.

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Тази петиция е преведена на следните езици

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