stop human rights violations in Ukraine

Petícia bola zablokovaná z dôvodu nedodržania podmienok používania.
Petície ktore porušujú podmienky použitia OpenPetition, sú ukončené a už nie sú verejne dostupné.

Dôvod pre blokovanie

Petície s falošnými faktickými tvrdeniami, chýbajúcimi zdrojmi alebo so zavádzajúcim spreneverením príslušných skutočností sa ukončujú. openPetition si vyhradzuje právo následne požadovať zdroje v kontroverzných prípadoch alebo nechať doplniť základné skutočnosti.

Please name a source for the following statements: ". In the meantime, at least fifty people died trying to cross the border, some wanted to live a normal life, others just wanted to see their families, but this was not destined to come true."

Iniciátor petície bol oboznámený s porušením podmienok používania redaktormi openPetition a mal päť dní na preskúmanie petície. Toto sa nestalo. Petícia bola preto zablokovaná.

Text petície

For a year now, men have been unable to get out of the border of Ukraine and are dying under Russian missile attacks. however, the country's leadership is indifferent to the deaths of ordinary people, the problem is simply simply ignored. On the western border of Ukraine, those who flee the war are trying to be arrested and sent immediately to the front, where they are likely to die on the first day. The ban on leaving the country is a violation of the Ukrainian constitution and should not be encouraged as it contradicts democracy itself in general.

on the President's Ukrainian petition portal, the same petitions gained enough votes but were ignored by the government of Ukraine. In the meantime, at least fifty people died trying to cross the border, some wanted to live a normal life, others just wanted to see their families, but this was not destined to come true.

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