Stop corruption in Europe at its root, by cutting off funds to countries with inefficient judiciary after deadline.

Petice je adresována
European Commission

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Sbírka byla dokončena

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Sbírka byla dokončena

  1. Zahájena 2019
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Připravit podání
  4. Dialog s příjemcem
  5. Rozhodnutí

Toto je evropská občanská iniciativa.

Tato petice je také dostupná v český .

Petice je adresována: European Commission

Mandate a firm 10 year post accession deadline for an automatic moratorium on payments of structural and cohesion funds to a newly acceded country, until the monitoring mechanism is lifted from their judiciary. The current EU legal code allows undue interpretation. Under certain conditions, the corruption among political elites in newly acceded countries may turn out to be beneficial to other countries in the Union, and the relative notion ‘temporary’ to be stretched out indefinitely. Setting a strict timeframe avoids direct and indirect motivation for corruption in EU member states. One such example is the inefficiency of the existing monitoring mechanism in the case of Bulgaria and Romania.

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Informace o petici

Petice zahájena: 12. 09. 2019
Petice končí: 02. 02. 2021
Kraj : Evropská unie
kategorie :


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