Permanent European Union Citizenship

Le pétitionnaire n'est pas public
La pétition est adressée à
European Commission
0 Supporter 0 en Union européenne

Le processus de pétition est terminé

0 Supporter 0 en Union européenne

Le processus de pétition est terminé

  1. Lancé 2018
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Terminée

C'est une initiative des citoyens européens.

European Union Citizenship EU citizens elect the European Parliament and participate in its work, thus exercising treaty rights, enhancing Union democracy, and reinforcing its citizenship. Noting the ECJ’s view of Union citizenship as a ‘fundamental status’ of nationals of Member States, and that Brexit will strip millions of EU citizens of this status and their vote in European elections, requests the Commission propose means to avoid risk of collective loss of EU citizenship and rights, and assure all EU citizens that, once attained, such status is permanent and their rights acquired.

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