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Petīcija ir adresēta
European Commission

1 721 626 Paraksti

Petīcija ir pieņemta.

1 721 626 Paraksti

Petīcija ir pieņemta.

  1. Sākās 2012
  2. Kolekcija beidzās
  3. Iesniegts
  4. Dialogs
  5. Panākumi

Šī ir Eiropas pilsoņu iniciatīva.

Šī petīcija ir pieejama arī Latviešu .

Lūgumraksts adresēts: European Commission

Juridical protection of the dignity, the right to life and of the integrity of every human being from conception in the areas of EU competence in which such protection is of particular importance The human embryo deserves respect to its dignity and integrity. This is enounced by the ECJ in the Brüstle case, which defines the human embryo as the beginning of the development of the human being. To ensure consistency in areas of its competence where the life of the human embryo is at stake, the EU should establish a ban and end the financing of activities which presuppose the destruction of human embryos, in particular in the areas of research, development aid and public health.

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Informācija par petīciju

Sākās petīcija: 11.05.2012
Petīcija beidzas: 02.02.2021
Reģions: Eiropas Savienība


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