On an alleged violation of the right to fair trial and a lack of access to court 

Petition richtet sich an
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

5 Unterschriften

Sammlung beendet

5 Unterschriften

Sammlung beendet

  1. Gestartet 2019
  2. Sammlung beendet
  3. Einreichung vorbereiten
  4. Dialog mit Empfänger
  5. Entscheidung

Dies ist eine Online-Petition des Europäischen Parlaments.

Diese Petition gibt es auch in Deutsch.

Petition richtet sich an: Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

The petitioner complains about not having access to a fair trial regarding her mortgage dispute with a Bulgarian bank. The property has been publicly sold for a price two times higher than the mortgage of the petitioner and her husband. They have filed a complaint against the private bailiff which the court has accepted as admissible but unfounded. The court has concluded that the sale has been performed according to the law. The petitioner is calling on the European institutions to investigate her case.

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Petition gestartet: 24.09.2019
Petition endet: 23.09.2020
Region: Europäische Union

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