
More Than Education - Shaping Active and Responsible Citizens

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European Commission

94 Signaturer

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94 Signaturer

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  1. Startet 2016
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislyktes

12.10.2018, 02:11

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08.11.2016, 13:06

The text was just shortened in order to be more concise and to make it easier to read. The fact that this petition aims at collecting signatures of non-EU citizens is emphasized, but it is still the same subject matter as the European Citizen's Initiative "More Than Education" that EU citizens can sign. The longer text can still be found on the website www.morethaneducation.eu.

New petition text: More incentive measures by the European Commission are needed to support EU member states in their responsibility of providing basic civic education. This knowledge is necessary to become an active member of a democratic diverse and open society.
The decisions and actions of the European Commission also reach out to non-EU countries, because the EU is perceived as a leader in setting standards by many people. We believe that improvements and coordination of civic education within EU member states will also influence the standard of countries outside the EU in a positive way. Therefore, our call is also relevant to non-EU citizens.
We call on the European Commission to:
- Set up a long term agenda for coordinating citizenship education among EU members states, so that global and European values are taught. Citizens should be equipped with the competences to actively, responsibly participate in our democratic society
- Create benchmarks for civic education in Europe by consulting international organisations, civil society actors and education providers.These should be based on long and short term goals.
- Organise periodic evaluation of benchmarks, including reports from ministries as well as civil society second opinions
- Support member states to implement the suggested education elements, with dedicated working groups in the ET2020 and future frameworks
- Offer space for exchanging practises between education providers and authorities
- Strengthen financial support programmes for consultation and networking projects in civic education policy
This petition is based on the European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) "More Than Education". It's official text can be read here: www.morethaneducation.eu. To sign this ECI: www.openpetition.eu/!vdqpd (openpetition mirrors the ECI and leads to the official page for signing).

Neue Begründung: We are witnessing insufficient and incoherent teaching throughout Europe of essential civic competences, i.e. the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are needed to act as a responsible, active and democratic citizen.
We live in a democracy where the citizens are supposed to control the decision makers, but they aren’t adequately trained to do so. This leaves the citizens with a lack of understanding, and subsequently a lack of democratic control and appreciation. Civic education is one of the most important learning tools at our disposal, that allows to become informed independent individuals in society, based on critical thought, democratic participation and a common understanding of certain values and principles.
A democratic society relies for its legitimacy on the ability citizens' participation, shared values and capability of every person critical thinking. The Commission should support member states in their responsibility to know their mind. Ineffective civic education sabotages the democracy itself, as it leads enable young people from all backgrounds to general dissatisfaction and a lack of democratic supervision.
Education plays an important role
develop competencies for participating responsibly in developing the individual’s understanding of how the world works and the ability to critically evaluate that. At the moment, education in Europe is very divided, which creates a diverging understanding of our society. Coordination of education is essential for the cohesion and stability of our society.
Therefore, teaching the civic competences
To promote cohesion, action should be strengthened and coordinated throughout Europe.
the Union, by setting a long-term agenda, creating benchmarks, providing support to states, doing periodic evaluations and sharing best practice.

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