
Improve the Energiewende! Let clean nuclear, hydro, wind and solar work in unity towards 100% clean!

Petitionen behandles
Bärbel Bas and the Bundestag

93 Underskrifter

Petitionen blev trukket tilbage af indehaveren af petitionen

93 Underskrifter

Petitionen blev trukket tilbage af indehaveren af petitionen

  1. Startede februar 2023
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket

02.02.2023 10.44

This is a note from the openPetition editors:

This petition conflicts with item 1.4 of the Acceptable Petitions Terms of Service.

Please give some sources (Link/URL):

"Nuclear energy is safe, clean and carbon-free and German nuclear power is the best there is."

"It is time for a resetting of anachronistic antinuclear policies and prejudices. Polls show that 80% of Germans support using nuclear power to increase clean energy production, reduce energy insecurity and succeed in achieving global decarbonization goals. Even Japan is pursuing a pathway back to nuclear."

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