The petition was withdrawn by the petitioner
Nuclear energy is safe, clean and carbon-free[1] and German nuclear power is some of the best there is.[2] Closing nuclear power plants that have already been paid for, only to increase energy production from coal and gas, is the height of climate irrationality. It is time to rethink and improve the Energiewende to be "nuclear-inclusive.[3] We need immediate carbon reduction by all means possible—which includes using intermittent clean sources like solar and wind but also firm clean sources like hydro, geothermal and nuclear power. The goal should not be growth of renewables without nuclear at any price, when this approach increases emissions by forcing more fossil fuels onto the grid at the expense of the environment and climate goals. The goal of the Energiewende should be 100% Clean Energy using ALL sources of clean power available (known as a "Clean Energy Standard"). Including sources of clean nuclear energy enables faster and more effective decarbonization today along with enhanced energy security needed to counter Russian aggression in Ukraine and defend against energy shortages and price volatility. Shutting nuclear plants is the reason why there is increased need for fossil fuels and we know this is bad for human health and our climate goals [4]. We have it within our means to avoid those excess emissions and build a climate-resilient grid, and only politics and our failure to look at the real data on energy safety is standing in the way. Sadly, destroying nuclear power plants has allowed fossil fuel companies to make billions in profits at the expense of ratepayers. How can politicians force the closure of nuclear power plants in the midst of a climate and energy emergency—and look our youth in the face? This is wantonly detroying large and critical investments in excellent, reliable clean energy infrastructure—and potentially their future. We need to move beyond antinuclear politics and do better: our youth are watching! [5]
[1] Our World in Data:
Also see UNECE: Life-cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation options:, and a video by Prof. Ruzic, Univ. Illinois: Dispelling the Myths of Nuclear Energy:
[2] Cicero " Die Grünen sind Genies darin, das Volk über die Atomkraft zu täuschen,
Also see:
and :
and :
[3] Environmental Defense Fund, Stanford University, Princeton University, Energy & Environmental Economics, Clean Air Task Force, UC San Diego and The Brookings Institution collaborated on “California needs clean firm power, and so does the rest of the world,” studying how to optimize future power grids endeavoring to achieve 100% carbon-free power and established that such grids will be lower cost with a source of firm clean power, such as hydro, nuclear or geothermal. (
[4] ACS Publications: “Prevented Mortality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Historical and Projected Nuclear Power,” by Pusher A. Kharecha and James E. Hansen,
[5] WorldCrunch, "Why Young People Are Now Nuclear Power's Most Potent Supporters," by Diana Pieper, August 29, 2022.
We are in crisis mode with a prolonged war in Europe, an energy crisis and a climate crisis. If we hope to succeed in addressing these difficult and life-threatening issues, we need to critically reassess obsoleted and anachronistic antinuclear policies and prejudices and base long-term and irreversible energy decisions on facts. Polls show that increasing numbers of Germans support using nuclear power to produce clean energy production, reduce energy insecurity and succeed in achieving global decarbonization goals.[1] The United States, the UK, France, Canada, and even Japan are pursuing pathways back to nuclear.[2] Germany is committed to decarbonization but needs to recognize that closing nuclear power is not helping and is actually hurting these efforts. To be a leader on the global climate stage, the Green Party especially but the Bundestag and all elected politicians must wake up to today's political, economic, technical and climate reality—that allowing safe, reliable nuclear energy to partner with wind and solar to firm power grids is the most efficient and cost-effective way to achieve difficult climate and energy goals—especially eliminating continued dependence upon coal and gas and their carbon emissions. We demand that we improve Energiewende by reversing its outdated antinuclear policy and allow all carbon-free energy technologies—including nuclear—to be used to help power a 100% carbon-free energy economy as soon as possible to avoid energy insecurity, price volatility and decades more delay with growing fossil fuel CO2 emissions. This request should be granted because we owe our children the best chance we can give them to a better future and swafe nuclear energy can help provide that.
[1] GMF: “Nuclear Is Germany’s Best Path Out of the Energy Crisis, Dec. 7, 2022, by Kristine Berzina nd Sophie Arts, This article references an August 2022 study which shows “some 41 percent of Germans support extending the plants’ operations, while a further 41 percent support long-term use of the plants.” (See “ARD-DeutschlandTREND”poll at:
World Nuclear News, in Aug. 2022, reported “Wide public support for keeping German reactors online, says polls” ( They state: ““In another poll, conducted by the online survey institute Civey on behalf of Der Spiegel, 78% of respondents backed the continued operation of the last three German reactors until the summer of 2023. Even among the supporters of the Greens, there was a narrow majority for this.”
Weekly data: Shift in Germany’s perception of nuclear energy. Shows a graphic labeled “Attitudes towards nuclear energy in Germany are changing.” This table shows that only 15% of all Germans now prefer to “Switch off nuclear power.” This means that 85% no longer agree that switching off nuclear power makes sense. If you average the percentages of each party that want to “Switch Off Nuclear Power,” on 13% support that, leaving 87% choosing a different option. This is a big change. (Source Energy Monitor: “Weekly data: Shift in Germany’s perception of nuclear energy”
[2] United States: Progressive, pro-climate policies in the U.S., as revealed by President Biden's Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act, now support nuclear energy and recognize its importance to meeting four goals: Energy Security, Low-Carbon Power, Reliable Power Grids and Economic Opportunity & Jobs. See: "Biden-Harris Administration Announces Major Investment to Preserve America's Clean Nuclear Energy Infrastructure," November 21, 2022. Also see: The Inflation Reduction Act — How Does It Impact the Nuclear Energy Industry?
United Kingdom: BBC, Energy strategy: UK plans eight new nuclear reactors to boost production, April 7, 2022.
France: World Nuclear News, "France outlines plans to speed new nuclear," November 4, 2022.
Canada: CBC: 4 Provinces push ahead with plan to build small nuclear reactors to supply power, March 28, 2022. Also see: GE: Energize This: Canada Could Become a Global Hub for New Nuclear Technology, August 16, 2021, by Tomas Kellner.
Japan: NPR (Associated Press), “After the Fukushima disaster, Japan swore to phase out nuclear power. But not anymore.” Dec. 22, 2022. And see: Power Magazine, “Nuclear Power Is Finally Poised to Ramp Up Again in Japan, Dec. 1, 2022, by Aaron Larson. And see: The Japan Times, “Japanese panel approves return to nuclear power as disaster memories fade,” Dec. 22, 2022, by Isabel Reynolds and Takashi Umekawa.
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Message about a completed petition
on 30 Oct 2023Hello wonderful supporters of nuclear power,
We're very sad to end this petition and to have had to witness German leadership do the wrong thing on nuclear yet again, and now be forced to burn lignite coal to keep the lights on and homes warm.
This petition is over but the fight to have nuclear power deemed "clean" and included as a legitimate clean energy partner in global efforts to reduce carbon emissions goes on. As recently as two weeks ago, this happened in North Carolina (See:
We are working to build a broader coalition of groups that demand just this: that nuclear and renewables... further -
Temporary suspension lifted
on 06 Feb 2023Dear supporters,
the petition has been revised according to our terms of use. The temporary block has been lifted and the petition can now continue to be signed.
We thank you for your commitment!
the openPetition team -
Changes to the petition
on 03 Feb 2023
No CONTRA argument yet.