Občianske práva

FREE SEED EXCHANGE for savers of seed diversity

Petícia je zameraná na
DG Sante, European Commission

4 458 podpisy

Zbierka bola ukončená

4 458 podpisy

Zbierka bola ukončená

  1. Zahájená 2021
  2. Zbierka bola ukončená
  3. Predložené
  4. Dialóg s príjemcom
  5. Rozhodnutie

09. 06. 2021, 13:49

english link von ssaatgutkampagne hinzugefügt - keine inhaltliche änderung

Neuer Petitionstext:

 EU Plant Passport obligation („EU-Pflanzenpasspflicht“) endangers the preservation of traditional fruit and vegetable varieties.

 Therefore, we demand an exception from the Plant Passport obligation for all those sustaining the diversity of cultivated plants. For centuries we – gardeners and farmers – have preserved the diversity of cultivated plants by gathering seeds and other reproductive material of old and rare cultivars, sending it to interested people. Our conservation work is at risk because of Regulation 2016/2031/EU, which forces us to issue a plant passport for sharing our seeds. Before being able to issue a plant passport, one has complete a costly authorization process, first. 

 We fear that many won’t go through this procedure and give up their valuable work of conservation.

 Access to free seeds and the right to pass on our seeds must not be restricted.

In the course of the evaluation of Article 79 of Regulation 2016/2031 EU, we are calling for exemptions from the obligation to issue plant passport:

· We call for a general exception for people and organizations involved in the preservation and distribution of cultivated plant diversity in horticulture and agriculture.

All those who produce seeds themselves and share small quantities of these seeds with others, should be exempt from having to issue plant passports.

· We demand that the exception should also apply to so-called "distance selling" (mailing).

The crossing of national borders must not play a role in the definition of distance selling, since this is inconsistent with the principle of free movement of goods in the EU.

· We demand: No registration obligation for guardians of cultivated plant diversity! Also, passed-on seeds that are not multiplied in a commercial way must be exempt from the plant passport obligation.

 The culturally important conservation work and the quality of this work should be promoted by the state through various types of incentives. Under no circumstances should it be restricted by bureaucratic or financial hurdles.

 By preserving and increasing biodiversity in the area of cultivated plants, we prevent the spread of plant pests. Small-scale cultivation of different plant species/varieties and regular crop rotation provide natural barriers against the spread of plant pests.

We note: Plant pests are especially a problem of monoculture cultivation on an industrial scale; this problem must not be treated at the expense of diversity and the preservers.

We therefore ask that you support our petition and take our concerns forward. 

ArchemitZukunft & “unverblümt”, www.archemitzukunft.net

campaign for seed sovereignty, www.saatgutkampagne.org


ÖBV Via Campesina Austria, www.viacampesina.at

URKORN TIROL, www.urkorn.tirol

contact: gemeinsam@archemitzukunft.net

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 539

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