We are a welcoming Europe, let us help!

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European Commission
0 0 v Evropská unie

Petice byla dokončena

0 0 v Evropská unie

Petice byla dokončena

  1. Zahájena 2018
  2. Sbírka byla dokončena
  3. Předloženy
  4. Dialog
  5. Hotový

Toto je evropská občanská iniciativa.

Governments are struggling to handle migration. Most of us want to help people in need because we care. Millions have stood up to help. Now we want to be heard. Let’s reclaim a Welcoming Europe! We call upon the European Commission to act: 1. Citizens across Europe want to sponsor refugees to offer them a safe home and a new life. We want the Commission to offer direct support to local groups that help refugees who are granted national visas. 2. No one should be prosecuted or fined for offering humanitarian help or shelter. We want the Commission to stop those governments that are punishing volunteers. 3. Everyone has the right to justice. We want the Commission to guarantee more effective ways and rules to defend all victims of labour exploitation and crime across Europe and all victims of human rights abuses at our borders.

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