On Poland’s implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/343 on the presumption of innocence and the right to be present at trial 

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
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  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Przygotuj zgłoszenie
  4. Dialog z odbiorcą
  5. Decyzja

To jest petycja internetowa Parlamentu Europejskiego .


The petitioner asks that the Polish authorities make the amendments to the law set out in Directive (EU) 2016/343 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2016 on the strengthening of certain aspects of the presumption of innocence and of the right to be present at the trial in criminal proceedings. The deadline for introducing the amendments in Polish law was 1 April 2018. In addition, the petitioner considers that Polish legislation in this area should be brought into line with the principle of the presumption of innocence contained in international law. The petitioner advocates that offenders be punished harshly but takes the view that suspects should have rights ensuring that innocent citizens are not convicted simply because the pre-trial proceedings are completed swiftly.

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