
On endometriosis 

Peticija je naslovljena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
128 podpornik 128 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

128 podpornik 128 v Evropska unija

Zbiranje končano

  1. Začelo 2020
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Pripravite oddajo
  4. Dialog s prejemnikom
  5. Odločitev

To je spletna peticija Evropskega parlamenta .


The petitioner contends that endometriosis is a widespread severe disease that affects both men and women. According to her, it may take up to 15 years for a person to receive this diagnosis, because it is not well known by doctors and its symptoms are considered psychosomatic. The petitioner asserts that endometriosis can be extremely debilitating and asks for it to be considered a disability, for the introduction of an improved protocol of diagnosis and holistic treatment and for better health care coverage for people who suffer from this disease.

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