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Our request is basic! Recognition of Albanian driving licenses! We are a large community that works, lives and pays taxes in Sweden! Every day we face the bureaucracy and the difficulties we have in such small but important issues! Sweden, like any other EU country, allows the use of driving licenses for 1 year for all foreign citizens living and working in this country! After one year, all these citizens are required to apply for a driving license from the Swedish transport institution. It must be acknowledged that this institution has created facilities in obtaining these permits by making it possible to give tests in the mother tongue! What worries us are very basic things such as: the time of obtaining the license, the fees which are considerable and the blockage that this bureaucracy creates for every new citizen when he needs to work to create a capital and pay the rent and the taxes of this country! Finding a vacancy is a challenge for everyone nowadays and such blockages would only make life difficult for these people! Therefore, I would ask you to consider this request because easing our situation would also bring relief to the system. with as few unnecessary obstacles as only a waste of time, financial cost and stress! Thank you!
Driving license is needed not luxury! The driving license is a financial cost (minimum costs 12000 kr along with the course) and raise our voices for this injustice. Even you who have gone through this ordeal of suffering and know well what it means to be a hostage of various systems where financial and physical sacrifices make you not forget those sufferings you must support us to end these injustices!
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on 18 Jun 2022Liebe Unterstützende,
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Njohja e Patentave Shqiptare ne Suedi
on 03 May 2021Te gjithe ju qe e keni marre licensen, tregoni menyren si e keni marre! Tregoni sa keni pritur per ta marre! Tregoni pagesat qe keni bere per te marre ate patente! Tregoni Edhe ATO menyrat korruptive qe ju eshte dashur te beni duke paguar shifra te konsiderueshme per te marre disa teste te cilat ju shiteshin si pyetjet me pergjigje te sakta te testit! E pra pa qene nevoja te behesh korruptive, pa qene nevoja tju mashtrojn, pa qene nevoja tju sorrollatin por duke i bere gjerat ashtu sic duhet duke kerkuar te drejten dhe hakun tuaj duhet qe ta mbeshtesni kete peticion! Mjafton nje klik dhe ju lehtesoni vuatjet dhe sorrollatjet sfilitese te bashkombasve tuaj dhe jepni sinjale reagimi per ceshtje te tjera qe mund te keni nevoj Edhe ju neser. Nuk... further
Körkortet bevisas att man kan köra bil det spelar ingen roll landet som man har fått körkortet från.
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