Piirkond : Euroopa Liit

An end to front companies in order to secure a fairer Europe

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Petitsioon on adresseeritud
European Commission
0 Toetav 0 sees Euroopa Liit

Petitsioon viidi lõpule

0 Toetav 0 sees Euroopa Liit

Petitsioon viidi lõpule

  1. Algatatud 2014
  2. Kogumine valmis
  3. Esitatud
  4. Dialoog
  5. Lõppenud

See on Euroopa kodanikualgatus.

Introduction in a legal instrument in the company law area, of measures to ensure the transparency of legal persons and legal arrangements. The infiltration into the legitimate economy of financial flows from criminal sources threatens the stability of the financial sector and the internal market. To counter this, it is essential that information is available on the actual beneficiaries of legal persons and legal arrangements. The transparency of legal entities and legal arrangements must therefore be organised in a uniform manner across the EU in a legal instrument in the company law area.

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