
Stop the vaccination certificate in the EU!

Indiener niet openbaar
Petitie is gericht aan
European Union

283.073 handtekeningen

De petitie werd geweigerd

283.073 handtekeningen

De petitie werd geweigerd

  1. Begonnen 2021
  2. Handtekeningeninzameling voltooid
  3. ingediend op 26-04-2021
  4. Dialoog
  5. Beëindigd

30-03-2021 01:31

Dear supporters,

thanks to you, the first big milestone is reached: already far more than 100 000 EU citizens signed!
Also, there are translations of the petition, which you can find below the petition description on the web site of the petition.
Thank you very much for signing, sharing and translating the petition!
The voting in the EU commission was postponed to May. As the translations are available just recently and not yet in all the languages, I'd like to make use of the time, to get more signatures in all EU countries, so I prolonged the collection time until April, 30th.
Please share the suitable translated petition web sites with your friends or family abroad (within EU only)!

Next steps:
I'm going to prepare an open letter to important EU delegates and the EU petition commitee, asking for a symbolic handover. This letter will also be shared with the media. As soon as it is finished, I'll get back to all active petition supporters, in order to get translations for all EU countries and share them with the respective EU commission representatives and media.

Best regards

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