
Keep the EU and UK collaborating in science #dealforscience

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Peticija je naslovljena na
President of the European Commission; European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation; Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; UK Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

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Peticija je prispevala k uspehu

6.221 Podpisi

Peticija je prispevala k uspehu

  1. Začelo 2019
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano
  4. Dialog
  5. Uspeh

Peticija je uspela!

06. 02. 2020 14:51

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On Friday the UK ceased to be a member of the European Union. But that doesn’t mean that international collaboration in science and research is any less essential. During 2020, the UK and the EU must urgently build a new partnership that can realise research’s potential to contribute to a better world.

Over the coming weeks, the UK and EU will decide their priorities and negotiations will begin. For science and research to flourish, it must be made a priority for negotiation. Therefore, we are stepping up our calls for a #DealForScience to make sure politicians in the UK and EU hear this message.

** How you can help **

• Please share the petition within your networks and encourage others to support. The petition is now open to organisations as well as individuals, so please share with your institutions and professional bodies too.
• A new toolkit has been developed, including twitter card and email banner, so that you can easily share the petition through your emails, social media accounts and newsletters.

Thank you for supporting the petition to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science. With your help the petition has been supported by over 5,000 people with representation from every EU Member State. By working together, we can protect science.

Sarah (Wellcome), Marta (EU LIFE) and Matthias (EuroScience)

** Suggested tweet for sharing today **
International collaboration in science and research can’t stop after #Brexit
Like thousands of researchers across the EU, I support a #DealForScience.
Join us and sign the petition:

17. 10. 2019 13:30

Thank you for supporting the petition to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science. With your help the petition has been supported by over 5,500 people across all Member States and continues to grow steadily.

But, with less than a month until the UK might leave the EU, and still so much uncertainty, we are stepping up our efforts to ensure that the petition has the impact needed to protect science.

Today we are talking about the risk of no deal and the importance of a science deal on social media using this downloadable GIF - This is to coincide with a two-day summit of EU leaders, to be followed by an unprecedented Saturday sitting of the UK Parliament.

Please share this message within your networks and on social media to encourage support for the petition so that, whatever happens with Brexit, the European research community is ready to respond swiftly and strongly.

Many thanks once again for your continued support.

03. 09. 2019 13:24

Thank you for supporting the petition to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science. With your backing the petition has been supported by 5,400 people across every EU Member State.

With so much uncertainty, we want to be ready with a strong voice from the scientific community on the importance of continuing UK and EU collaboration on science. Today we therefore launch our next social media initiative to build support for the #DealForScience petition.

** Connections **

In research, collaborations provide new ideas and perspectives. Bringing people together across borders, leads to new ways of thinking, better solutions and faster progress. We want to show these networks and interconnections across science.

* Get involved *
Join our social media challenge and create twitter chains of our scientific collaborations. As a signatory of this petition, we hope you will start a chain to show your connections.

Using the following proforma you will link to two collaborators who have had an impact on you. Tagged individuals will follow by making the next run of the chain linking their collaborators, and so forth.

My science is stronger because I collaborated with @XYZ from @UniversityXYZ @ABC from @UniversityABC

Retweet and tag your collaborators.

Protect UK and EU science collaborations - sign


Many thanks again for your continued support.
Sarah (Wellcome), Matthias (EuroScience) and Marta (EU LIFE)

12. 08. 2019 14:25

Thank you for supporting the petition to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science.

On Monday we celebrated that there is support for the petition from every Member State. This action resulted in over 400 people sharing the message on social media, and 700 people joining the petition – welcome! You can see in the word cloud the messages people have been sharing.

With this boost of activity – the biggest since launch - the petition has been signed by over *5,000* people. Inspired by this support, we are redoubling our efforts to build this momentum and reach our target. And we need your help.

**Tell a friend**
Do you know one more person who also believes that international collaboration improves research and makes science better for everyone?

Can you persuade one colleague that we need a deal to keep Europe competitive in science and give researchers certainty about how they can continue to work together?

It doesn't matter how you do it - send them an email, tag them in a tweet, text or WhatsApp - help spread the word. If everyone takes the challenge to persuade just one person to sign the petition, together we will double the support for a #DealForScience.

Many thanks again for your continued support.
Sarah (Wellcome), Marta (EU LIFE) and Matthias (Euroscience)

05. 08. 2019 11:40

Our Monday action to celebrate that the petition has been supported by a signatory in every EU Member State is live! We would love your support.

We are using the attached image and below text:

I signed for (X country, flag) because every EU country agrees that science is stronger when we work together.

Join me to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science - sign the petition


Thanks to those who have already started sharing!

02. 08. 2019 12:59

Thank you for supporting the petition to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science. With your backing the petition has been supported by a signatory in every EU Member State.

This is an incredible achievement and shows that protecting UK and EU collaborations on science is a shared ambition that should be prioritised for an early deal.

**What's next?**
This achievement was only possible with your support, and is your news to share.

On *Monday* we want everyone to announce this milestone through your networks, Twitter and LinkedIn using the attached image and text:

I signed for (X country, flag) because every EU country agrees that science is stronger when we work together.

Join me to keep the UK and EU collaborating on science - sign the petition

*Scheduling Tweets*
You can schedule your tweet using Tweetdeck, which is a twitter owned interface. Just go to that URL and log-in as yourself.

Click the “New tweet” button on the top left and you’ll see there’s an option to schedule at the bottom. Just set your date and time then when you’re finished click tweet as normal. It will then appear in your ‘scheduled’ column on Tweetdeck.

Many thanks again for your continued support.
Sarah (Wellcome), Marta (EU LIFE) and Matthias (EuroScience)

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