Region: Hellas

No wind farms on the Cyclades islands

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griechische Regulierungsbehörde für Energie (REA)

145 Signaturer

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145 Signaturer

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  1. Startet 2021
  2. Innsamling ferdig
  3. Sendt inn
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislyktes

Begjæringen er stilet til: griechische Regulierungsbehörde für Energie (REA)

The building plans of the Greek Government for the Aegean Islands are
devastating. By signing this petition also international consternation
is to be given expression to.
„Greece is facing an unprecedented and non-recoverable destruction of
its landscape. The majority of all Greek mountain chains and almost all
islands – in most cases Natura 2000 conservation areas – are to be
converted into gigantic windmill parks. Hills are flattened, in total
thousands of kilometers of road systems are relocated to the wilderness
and thousands of windmills from 150 to 200 meters high are planted on
often the highest places of mountains and islands each and every one of
them requiring their own concrete foundation the size of a football
pitch. Even the very smallest islands - where last pairs of several
threatened birds coming from as far as Madagascar seeking refuge - are
not exempted from the construction plans.
All of it happens without any reporting to and information of the Greek
population. So far applicable conservation legislation and credible,
independent environmental testing procedures have been cancelled as well
as the inhabitants rights of co determination over their municipality,
their island, their land. This was executed in an urgent procedure by as
few as 25 members of parliament during the Covid quarantine in may 2020.
On islands like Amorgos, which would require one to two windmills to
meet their electrical energy requirements, are planned over 70 windmills.
This is as disproportionate as that on the other islands.“
look at resp. listen to::

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It is essential to „ inform about the construction plans approved by RAE
and their consequences. These plans are that all-encompassing and
devastating one is stretched to ones mental and emotional limits when
realizing, what Greece will look like in a few years having been made
partially uninhabitable: wind parks erected straight through
conservation areas, at mountaintops up to 2000 meters high, directly
above traditional villages, besides and on archaeological sites and,
above all, scattered across the entire island area. Inhabitants of very
small islands like Kinaros and Levitha are to be forced leaving for not
getting in the way of a complete conversion of their island into a wind
park. They are listed as „non-existent“ by the Hellenic Statistical
Authority (ELSTAT) for quite some time, although they registered with
the authorities as with every census. If there is no education of the
European population and no comprehensive resistance the Aegean like it
has survived for millenniums will cease to exist in 10 years.“

Takk for støtten

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Informasjon om kampanjer

Petisjon startet: 12.04.2021
Begjæringen avsluttes: 01.12.2021
Region: Hellas
kategori: Miljø

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