Fabienne Keller



Fabienne Keller hat auf die Diskussionen bei den Europäischen HausParlamenten in einem live-Webinar geantwortet. Du kannst es hier anschauen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAy6s6k2mLQ

Hapat e ardhshëm

In dem Webinar ist sie ebenfalls auf ihre nächsten Schritte im Europäischen Parlament eingegangen. Schau dir unser Webinar hier an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAy6s6k2mLQ

Vlerësimi në detaje

1. Should wealthy EU Member States provide more economic support to Member States that are particularly hard hit by crises?


2. Should the EU invest more in social policy measures to tackle social inequality between the Member States?


3. Should the EU, in the interest of future generations, primarily focus on environmentally friend-ly innovation and jobs?


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