
Stop Vaccine Certificates in EU Member States

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Petitionen behandles
European Parliament

66 Underskrifter

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66 Underskrifter

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  1. Startede 2021
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket

Andragendet er stilet til: European Parliament

This is a petition by the people of Europe asking each EU member state to ignore the European Commission's plan of fast-tracking the introduction of a common vaccine certificate.
European Parliaments need to discuss the issue and courts should start a judicial review into the matter. We believe that having digital vaccination certificates will lead to a medical apartheid as seen in Israel, and increased pressure to take vaccinations and tests for traveling and non essential purposes.
Once the vaccination certificate is in use what prevents it being used for our daily life in work, school, shopping, visiting a cinema or museum and perhaps essential services to life such as supermarkets.
We ask that Parliaments around Europe hear our voice and review the need for a vaccination certificate. And should no action come forward we ask the local municipalities to ignore the Parliament's ruling in the matter and not to impose any vaccine certificates or enforce the use of it.
The problem we see is that once the certificates are in place it will pressure young people to take unnecessary and dangerous vaccines and tests, besides young people have almost non existent risk of dying from covid-19 as seen in the US CDC statistics people aged 5-18 had 197 deaths in 2020-21.

  • Forced use of vaccine certificates violates the right to keep medical records confidential.
  • It separates individual thinkers from the rest and allows for discrimination.
  • It creates a medical apartheid, and it could become part of our daily life at work, at school, shopping, traveling, applications for housing and social services, and kindergartens.

This petition was created to see the amount of support and if it is worth taking as a initiative to the European Parliament which would require at least 1 million signatures from 7 different EU states. 
By: European Resistance Foundation


We at European Resistance Foundation value personal and economic freedom and the right to keep medical records as confidential and private. Governments in western countries are increasingly becoming tyrannical and they’re controlling us with too many documents and papers, in a free Europe this should not happen. 
Sign this as a resistance to tyranny.

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Oplysninger om petitionen

Andragende startede: 29.03.2021
Andragendet slutter: 27.06.2021
Region: Den Europæiske Union
Kategori: Borgerrettigheder

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    die Petition wurde gemäß unserer Nutzungsbedingungen überarbeitet. Die temporäre Sperrung wurde wieder aufgehoben und die Petition kann nun weiter unterzeichnet werden.

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Intet PRO-argument endnu.

the main reason for this Certificate is not the Global Health, but the mass control as the Lab Created Covid Virus. Lets united and fight against this, THEY want to take our rights and freedom.

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