Petition to Improve the Regulatory Framework for Online Gambling in Brazil

Andragendet blev blokeret for manglende overholdelse af brugsbetingelserne.
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Please substantiate your statements with functioning links/URL: "To understand the current picture in this matter, we recommend that you read the analytical review of the best online casinos and bingo in Brazil, presented at brasil-avaliacao-dos-melhores-sites-de-bingo-e-cassino. This overview is an excellent source of information on the current state of the industry and highlights best practices that could be applied in Brazil."

Initiativtageren til petitionen blev gjort opmærksom på overtrædelsen af betingelserne for brug af openPetition-redaktørerne og havde fem dage til at revidere petitionen. Dette skete ikke. Petitionen blev derfor blokeret.

Tekst til petitonen

We, the undersigned, call on the Government of Brazil to review and improve the legislation governing online casinos and bingo in the country.
In light of recent changes in the global online gambling industry, it is worth noting that many countries are successfully integrating modern online platforms while providing an adequate level of security for their citizens. This development of the sector could bring significant economic benefits to Brazil, not to mention the creation of new jobs and business opportunities.
To understand the current picture in this matter, we recommend that you read the analytical review of the best online casinos and bingo in Brazil, presented at brasil-avaliacao-dos-melhores-sites-de-bingo-e-cassino. This overview is an excellent source of information on the current state of the industry and highlights best practices that could be applied in Brazil.

Based on the above, we call for:
Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current legislation in the field of online gambling.
Analyze the experience of other countries in this area.
Develop and implement norms and standards aimed at ensuring the safety and integrity of online platforms.
We believe that such steps will help create a favorable environment for the development of the online gambling industry in Brazil, taking into account the interests of all parties.

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