On his right to reside in Germany  

Dilekçe sahibi
Dilekçe yönlendirildi
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 Destekleyici 0 İçinde Avrupa Birliği

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

0 Destekleyici 0 İçinde Avrupa Birliği

Koleksiyon tamamlandı

  1. Başladı 2019
  2. Koleksiyon tamamlandı
  3. Gönderime hazırla
  4. Alıcı ile iletişim kutusu
  5. Karar

Bu bir çevrimiçi dilekçedir Avrupa Parlamentosu .

The petitioner denounces the German authorities for requiring him to provide personal documents with which to examine his right to reside in Germany. The petitioner says that he lives and works in Germany without receiving any type of social benefit. The petitioner considers that the German authorities are in breach of European laws on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States.

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