
On behalf of LobbyControl Initiative f”ur Transparenz und Demokratie e.V., bearing 21.526 signatures, on the need for more transparency in the functioning of the Council of the EU 

La pétition est adressée à
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
3 Soutien 3 en Union européenne

Collecte terminée

3 Soutien 3 en Union européenne

Collecte terminée

  1. Lancé 2019
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Préparer la soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

Il s'agit d'une pétition en ligne du Parlement européen.


The petitioner is calling for the Council to be more transparent and accountable in its decision-making and contacts with lobbyists, in order to win back the trust of the EU citizens. In particular, the petitioner aims at measures to achieve transparency in the decision-making within the Council, including in its preparatory committees, to make inter-institutional meetings such as trilogues transparent and to include the Council in the EU Transparency Register and make it obligatory.

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