
Admit Russia's flag as extremist and ban it at the legislative level all around the Europe

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Petitionen behandles
European governments & citizens

44 Underskrifter

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44 Underskrifter

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  1. Startede 2022
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket

Andragendet er stilet til: European governments & citizens

Due to the terrorist actions of the Russian state and the crimes against humanity of the Russian military on the territory of Ukraine, we call on the governments of European countries to admit the use of the Russian flag in demonstrations on the streets of democratic countries as unacceptable. We call to consider such demonstrations as support of war and as a call to violence.
The reason is that the current flag of the Russian Federation - is the flag of violence and terror.
We call to admit Russia's flag as extremist and ban it at the legislative level all around Europe.


I find using of the Russian flag is indecent and offends all people who have been murdered or still suffer from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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Andragende startede: 05.04.2022
Andragendet slutter: 16.05.2022
Region: Den Europæiske Union
Kategori: Borgerrettigheder


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