Foreign affairs

Switzerland must remain part of European science

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
D. Burkhalter, S. Sommaruga, J. Schneider-Ammann (Members of the Swiss Federal Council), J. M. Barroso (President of the European Commission), M. Schulz (President of the European Parliament), H. Van Rompuy (President of the European Council)

9,539 signatures

The petition is accepted.

9,539 signatures

The petition is accepted.

  1. Launched 2014
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Success

The petition was successful!

Read News

09/17/2014, 15:40

Dear supporters of the online petition "Switzerland must remain part of European Science"

As mentioned before, our petition has no legal implications, however, is meant as a strong voice of scientists to all involved Swiss and EU officials to refrain from making European science a pawn in the political negotiations.

The voice of this and other similar petitions has been heard. The good news is that as of 15 September 2014 Switzerland has partially regained its status as Associated Country in HORIZON2020.

This partial association allows researchers in Switzerland to fully participate in all calls under the first pillar of Horizon 2020 "Excellent Science" (including ERC grants, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) and research infrastructures) and "Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation“.

For the other two pillars, Switzerland has still the status of a Third Country. Hopefully, Switzerland will also gain full associated status in those pillars in 2015.

Again, thank you for your support!

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