
Switzerland must remain part of European science

Hakija ei ole julkinen
Vetoomus on osoitettu
D. Burkhalter, S. Sommaruga, J. Schneider-Ammann (Members of the Swiss Federal Council), J. M. Barroso (President of the European Commission), M. Schulz (President of the European Parliament), H. Van Rompuy (President of the European Council)

9 539 allekirjoitukset

Vetoomus on hyväksytty.

9 539 allekirjoitukset

Vetoomus on hyväksytty.

  1. Aloitti 2014
  2. Keräys valmis
  3. Lähetetty
  4. Valintaikkuna
  5. Menestys

Vetoomus onnistui!

Lue uutiset

24.06.2014 klo 10.36

Dear supporters of "Switzerland must remain part of European science"

Receipt of our online petition has now been confirmed by the Swiss Bundeskanzlei, Bundesrat Schneider-Ammann, the European Commission, the European Council as well as the Presidency of the European Parliament.

This will likely be the last email on our petition, but I keep my fingers crossed that your support will help to find a constructive solution to our request as soon as possible.

Regards H. Fischer

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