
Stop the vaccination certificate in the EU!

Pobudnik ni javen
Peticija je naslovljena na
European Union
283.073 podpornik

Peticija je bila zavrnjena

283.073 podpornik

Peticija je bila zavrnjena

  1. Začelo 2021
  2. Zbiranje končano
  3. Oddano 2021426
  4. Dialog
  5. Dokončano

21. 03. 2021 01:48

Fear supporters,

It is really overwhelming who fast the petition has grown the last three days. We are already more than 20000 supporters.

Thank you very much!

I updated the reasons for the petition in order to find more supporters, so feel free to have another look on the web page of the petition and please share again the petition with your major motivation, in order to keep the growth.

Thank you once again!

Best regards,
Simon Moessner

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