
Humanity Before Nationality

Le pétitionnaire n'est pas public
La pétition est adressée à
President of the EU Commission Ursula Von der Leyen

64 signatures

La pétition a été retirée par le pétitionnaire

64 signatures

La pétition a été retirée par le pétitionnaire

  1. Lancé 2021
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Soumis
  4. Dialogue
  5. Echoué

23/02/2022 à 13:51

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

As already announced in my previous post, my song4refugees “80 Million People!” is out now and available on all streaming platforms: ffm.to/r25x5yy

As far as I know, no former refugees or international artist has ever released a song to this date to bring awareness about the plight of refugees worldwide. I hope with the miracle of music, my powerful lyrics, and the strong vocals by British singer, songwriter, and producer Thir13een we can make this petition happen!

The following press release was sent out this week to 500+ news websites, TV & Radio, Trade/Industry, national and International News sites.

Former Refugee, Lily Amis, Releases New Song To Help Bring Awareness To The Plight Of Refugees

The sensational song titled “80 Million People!,” was performed by British R&B and soul singer, songwriter, and producer, Thir13een, and is scheduled to be released on all streaming platforms on the 22nd of February, 2022

February 17th, 2022: Lily Amiss is pleased to announce that she will be releasing a new song to bring awareness to the plight of refugees. The Iranian born writer hopes that the miracle of music and the power of lyrics will be a wake-up call for privileged people who have a negative view of refugees and don’t show a sign of empathy, understanding, or support for their horrible living conditions.

Titled 80 Million People!, the meaningful lyrics of the new song were written by Lily Amis during the global pandemic and will be performed by the British R&B and soul singer, songwriter, and producer, Thrir13een from London. Scheduled to be released on the 22nd of February, 2022, 80 Million People is a clarion call for empathy, kindness, and the nurturing of the world's collective humanity.

Lily Amiss is an Iranian born Children and YA writer, Blogger, Lyricist, and Voice4refugees. Lily became a refugee at the tender age of 10, forced to witness the horrors and mayhem of the Iran-Iraq war which broke out in 1980. And even after more than three decades, the songwriter says her mind is still fresh with the memory of the carnage, hinting that the scars of war are never truly forgotten.

"The sound of the bombs dropping has stayed with me. It was like a firework, and even now after more than 30 years, when everyone is happy about fireworks, it still sounds to me like those bombs dropping."

According to Lily, her goal now is to raise as much awareness about the horrible plight of refugees and inspire people all over the world to take willful action, towards changing the way foreigners in distress are being treated, when they relocate seeking sanctuary. The brilliant author artfully captured her experience as a refugee, in a memoir titled Destination: Freedom (also published as The Stolen Years In Zurich), and is currently responsible for an online petition - #HumanityB4Nationality, which seeks to change the refugee law regarding education and integration rights worldwide.

“We have witnessed this horrible humanitarian crisis for over a decade. It is time to make a fundamental change and rescue the refugees from their life of misery. Refugees deserve a life of dignity. Safety and privacy, housing and food, medical and sociological care, and guidance for participating in the legal asylum-seeking process.”

The #HumanityB4Nationality petition is also available in German, Italian, Spanish, and French.

While the world awaits the release of 80 Million People, the lyrics to the sensational piece of music can be read by clicking on the following link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBRkEVFadmk

23/02/2022 à 13:51

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

As already announced in my previous post, my song4refugees “80 Million People!” is out now and available on all streaming platforms: ffm.to/r25x5yy

As far as I know, no former refugees or international artist has ever released a song to this date to bring awareness about the plight of refugees worldwide. I hope with the miracle of music, my powerful lyrics, and the strong vocals by British singer, songwriter, and producer Thir13een we can make this petition happen!

The following press release was sent out this week to 500+ news websites, TV & Radio, Trade/Industry, national and International News sites.

Former Refugee, Lily Amis, Releases New Song To Help Bring Awareness To The Plight Of Refugees

The sensational song titled “80 Million People!,” was performed by British R&B and soul singer, songwriter, and producer, Thir13een, and is scheduled to be released on all streaming platforms on the 22nd of February, 2022

February 17th, 2022: Lily Amiss is pleased to announce that she will be releasing a new song to bring awareness to the plight of refugees. The Iranian born writer hopes that the miracle of music and the power of lyrics will be a wake-up call for privileged people who have a negative view of refugees and don’t show a sign of empathy, understanding, or support for their horrible living conditions.

Titled 80 Million People!, the meaningful lyrics of the new song were written by Lily Amis during the global pandemic and will be performed by the British R&B and soul singer, songwriter, and producer, Thrir13een from London. Scheduled to be released on the 22nd of February, 2022, 80 Million People is a clarion call for empathy, kindness, and the nurturing of the world's collective humanity.

Lily Amiss is an Iranian born Children and YA writer, Blogger, Lyricist, and Voice4refugees. Lily became a refugee at the tender age of 10, forced to witness the horrors and mayhem of the Iran-Iraq war which broke out in 1980. And even after more than three decades, the songwriter says her mind is still fresh with the memory of the carnage, hinting that the scars of war are never truly forgotten.

"The sound of the bombs dropping has stayed with me. It was like a firework, and even now after more than 30 years, when everyone is happy about fireworks, it still sounds to me like those bombs dropping."

According to Lily, her goal now is to raise as much awareness about the horrible plight of refugees and inspire people all over the world to take willful action, towards changing the way foreigners in distress are being treated, when they relocate seeking sanctuary. The brilliant author artfully captured her experience as a refugee, in a memoir titled Destination: Freedom (also published as The Stolen Years In Zurich), and is currently responsible for an online petition - #HumanityB4Nationality, which seeks to change the refugee law regarding education and integration rights worldwide.

“We have witnessed this horrible humanitarian crisis for over a decade. It is time to make a fundamental change and rescue the refugees from their life of misery. Refugees deserve a life of dignity. Safety and privacy, housing and food, medical and sociological care, and guidance for participating in the legal asylum-seeking process.”

The #HumanityB4Nationality petition is also available in German, Italian, Spanish, and French.

While the world awaits the release of 80 Million People, the lyrics to the sensational piece of music can be read by clicking on the following link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBRkEVFadmk

06/02/2022 à 10:49

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

It’s been six months since I’ve started this online petition. Despite Zoom conversations, messages to refugee organizations and charities, and social media posts, so far we have only 40 signatures!

Back in May 2021, I have submitted my song lyrics “80 Million People!” to the UK songwriting contest with the main goal to bring more awareness about the plight of refugees. This was months before I started this online petition in August 2021. My lyrics were scored with 4 from 5 stars, and now I’m releasing the song and official video on YouTube. I hope that with the miracle of music and the power of lyrics, we can get more supporters for this important cause!

Please watch, like, comment, and share it with everyone you know, who cares about humanity and better rights for refugees worldwide. Remember, music is the universal language of LOVE!

The song “80 Million People!” will be released on 22.2.22 and available in all download stores.

Thank you for sharing and caring, and thank you for your love and support.
Lily Amis (Voice4Refugees)

06/02/2022 à 10:46

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

It’s been six months since I’ve started this online petition. Despite Zoom conversations, messages to refugee organizations and charities, and social media posts, so far we have only 40 signatures!

Back in May 2021, I have submitted my song lyrics “80 Million People!” to the UK songwriting contest with the main goal to bring more awareness about the plight of refugees. This was months before I started this online petition in August 2021. My lyrics were scored with 4 from 5 stars, and now I’m releasing the song and official video on YouTube. I hope that with the miracle of music and the power of lyrics, we can get more supporters for this important cause!

Please watch, like, comment, and share it with everyone you know, who cares about humanity and better rights for refugees worldwide. Remember, music is the universal language of LOVE!

06/02/2022 à 10:46

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

It’s been six months since I’ve started this online petition. Despite Zoom conversations, messages to refugee organizations and charities, and social media posts, so far we have only 40 signatures!

Back in May 2021, I have submitted my song lyrics “80 Million People!” to the UK songwriting contest with the main goal to bring more awareness about the plight of refugees. This was months before I started this online petition in August 2021. My lyrics were scored with 4 from 5 stars, and now I’m releasing the song and official video on YouTube. I hope that with the miracle of music and the power of lyrics, we can get more supporters for this important cause!

Please watch, like, comment, and share it with everyone you know, who cares about humanity and better rights for refugees worldwide. Remember, music is the universal language of LOVE!

06/02/2022 à 10:46

Dear #HumanityB4Nationality Supporter

It’s been six months since I’ve started this online petition. Despite Zoom conversations, messages to refugee organizations and charities, and social media posts, so far we have only 40 signatures!

Back in May 2021, I have submitted my song lyrics “80 Million People!” to the UK songwriting contest with the main goal to bring more awareness about the plight of refugees. This was months before I started this online petition in August 2021. My lyrics were scored with 4 from 5 stars, and now I’m releasing the song and official video on YouTube. I hope that with the miracle of music and the power of lyrics, we can get more supporters for this important cause!

Please watch, like, comment, and share it with everyone you know, who cares about humanity and better rights for refugees worldwide. Remember, music is the universal language of LOVE!

09/12/2021 à 10:51


Regardless of age, gender, nationality, education, and income, we all have been experiencing - for almost two years now - how laws can complicate our everyday lives. We have been on an emotional roller-coaster ride since the beginning of the pandemic. Our lives are shaped by fear, insecurity, uncertainty, powerlessness, worry, insomnia, loneliness, social isolation, depression, mental illness, and even thoughts of suicide. Self-determination, free will, and freedom have now completely different meanings in our society.

Like a dog, we were legally muzzled (with face masks) and for weeks people are being discriminated, ostracized, and harassed because of a piece of paper (the Covid certificate). Unvaccinated people can no longer go to a toilet in a restaurant without a "passport" check! So much for freedom, humanity, decency, and respect. And all of this is legal because EU lawmakers have decided that. We no longer have a say about our own bodies and our everyday life. And now we survive day after day in fear, worry, and uncertainty about our future.


It is precisely this emotional and psychological ordeal that the refugees go through. We have witnessed this terrible humanitarian crisis for over a decade. It is time to make a fundamental change and rescue the refugees from their misery. Refugees deserve a life in dignity - in security and with privacy, accommodation, and food, with medical and psychological care and legal advice on the legal asylum procedure.

When people seek asylum after leaving their homes and loved ones to escape conflict and persecution, they are desperate to rebuild their lives from scratch. But the refugee law makes it difficult, even impossible, for them in every aspect. Those who end up in refugee camps suffer as much as those who make it to the European countries. They no longer have a say about their own existence!

Millions are currently wasted on vaccination campaigns. Instead, the European countries, politicians, and authorities must invest this money in the integration and education of refugees and thus give them the chance of an independent and self-determined life and a future in dignity.

Politicians and the media are constantly talking about the next generation. BUT what about the generation of today and now?

My personal reason:
I am a former war refugee who suffered under the refugee law for nearly three decades. As an asylum seeker and “tolerated” war refugee with a temporary residence permit, I was denied any rights to education and integration. All my life I was reduced to a piece of paper and that made my life a living hell!

But NOBODY should be reduced to just a piece of paper. Everyone deserves a dignified life, regardless of the place of birth, nationality, religion, and passport. The right to education and independence is a basic right for EVERYONE and humanity knows no nationality!

It is my duty and mission to stand up for other victims of refugee policy and bureaucracy. Therefore, as long as I breathe, I am the Voice4Refugees, regardless of the prejudices and negative opinions the people and the media have about the refugees. Regardless of the lack of empathy, understanding, and petition support that I'm experiencing ever since I started this online petition in August 2021!

#HumanityB4Nationality by Lily4Refugees will continue to be the voice 4 the voiceless!

My own story of suffering:

21/09/2021 à 12:24

2020 was a very challenging year for everyone, regardless of birthplace, nationality, passport, race, age, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, life story, level of education, and income. Before the pandemic, words like social distancing and lockdown didn’t exist. All of a sudden, our “normal” world fell apart. Governments, world leaders, and lawmakers made new rules, and we followed them without questioning anything. We had no other choice. We were scared and worried about our lives, health, existence, future, and loved ones. We all were forced to stay at home and distance ourselves from family, relatives, friends, and work colleagues. Home office, social isolation, depression, anxiety, fear of existence, and future had a tremendous impact on people’s private and professional life. Those who lost loved ones will suffer forever, and those who lost their business and income are going through hell.

And we thought it couldn’t get worse, but it has. In 2021 the COVID rules are dividing the population everywhere and on every continent. There are various measures, rules, and bans in place. Positive and negative Covid Tests, the "3G rule" in German - geimpft, genesen, getestet (vaccinated, recovered, tested) is making social life and work more challenging. Traveling has become exhausting. It’s almost like a mission of flying to the moon. Quarantine, Self- Quarantine, vaccinated, not vaccinated, fully vaccinated, and recovered are the new words and unfortunately, there is no ending in sight!

Let’s face it, we can’t sugarcoat it any longer, life has become a nightmare for everyone and normality is nothing but a foreign word and wishful thinking and my reaction to all this mess is:

Good, now everyone finally knows and hopefully understands how refugees, millions of innocent victims of war are suffering for ages. Now everyone knows how it feels like to be helpless and powerless about your own life decisions and choices. Now everyone knows how it is to live day by day, night by night, worrying and not knowing what the next day and the future will bring. Now everyone sees how unhealthy the lack of perspective and uncertainty feels. Now everyone knows how loneliness and social isolation troubles the mind, heart, and soul. Now everyone knows how hard it is to be completely driven and controlled by government’s laws whether they make sense or not! Now everyone knows how it feels to feel trapped!

Now imagine all this living in the most inhuman living conditions, surviving four seasons in tents in refugee camps with absolutely no privacy. Now imagine living in fear, hunger, and the most inhuman, unhygienic, and unsanitary conditions for years. Imagine the entire struggle plus the uncertainty of a “normal” future because of limited access to basic rights such as education, health care, employment, and freedom of movement! Maybe now after almost two years living with a global pandemic, a few people will have a better understanding, compassion, and empathy with refugees!

Back in summer 2015 I gave an interview to the Mirror and said: “Being a refugee is a living hell” and today in 2021 I keep repeating what I said before. It is and will always be a living hell unless we change and fix the broken refugee law!

Read my interview with the Mirror from 12 Aug 2015 here:

Get a copy of my memoir “Destination Freedom”, also known as “The Stolen Years In Zurich (The Library Edition)” here:

English: www.amazon.com/dp/1502852241
Library Edition: www.amazon.com/dp/1081112867

German: www.amazon.com/dp/1503154017
Library Edition: www.amazon.de/dp/1075903831

Spanish: www.amazon.com/dp/B089FBS62T

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