Region: Irland

End Lockdown In Ireland Fully NOW

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Leo Varadkar

975 Underskrifter

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975 Underskrifter

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  1. Startede 2020
  2. Samlingen er afsluttet
  3. Indsendt
  4. Dialog
  5. Mislykket

18.08.2021 02.11

Liebe Unterstützende,
der Petent oder die Petentin hat innerhalb der letzten 12 Monate nach Ende der Unterschriftensammlung keine Neuigkeiten erstellt und den Status nicht geändert. openPetition geht davon aus, dass die Petition nicht eingereicht oder übergeben wurde.

Wir bedanken uns herzlich für Ihr Engagement und die Unterstützung,
Ihr openPetition-Team

17.08.2020 19.39

Dear Supporters,
Thank you for supporting us from early on in our efforts to fight this battle against unnecessary and harmful restrictions. Lockdown measures may have ceased in most counties but we still have many restrictions and are far from being back to normal. Today we are sending a quick update to let you know about two important initiatives where you can support us to continue that so that we can drop the 'new normal' as soon as possible.

One is our upcoming protest in front of the Custom House in Dublin next Sat, 22 Aug at 2pm. It is vital that we have as many people attend as possible in order to make the maximum impact. The last protest we had there a few weeks ago was well attended and the speeches were uplifting and motivational. We hope to have an event that is bigger and better this Sat. See details here:

The second initiative is a GoFundMe campaign to put in place a plan to proactively fight against the likely upcoming and even more serious threat to our bodily integrity. Tracey O’ Mahony - a barrister-at-law - who has been very outspoken about the removal of our rights is leading the campaign. Please donate here and share with as many people as possible: It has raised over 23k already which is really encouraging.

Our numbers are growing and now is the time to make our voices heard.

Thank you for your support,
Health Freedom Ireland

06.07.2020 13.08

The government is now recommending that people wear masks when social distancing is difficult - for example on public transport or shops or when in contact with people that are 'cocooning' [1].

Health risks of wearing a mask:
Wearing a mask can cause reduction in blood oxygenation (hypoxia) or an elevation in blood C02 (hypercapnia) [2]. This is particularly true for frail elderly people or those with lung diseases. It can lead to a person losing consciousness very suddenly - so the person might not be able to protect themselves as they fall which means they risk hitting their head and having serious injury or even death. Obviously where people wear masks while driving it could have very serious consequences for them, their passengers and other road users. In addition, a drop in oxygen levels (hypoxia) is associated with an impairment in immunity which can make you more susceptible to any infection including Covid19 and can make the consequences of that infection more serious.[2]

Repeated episodes of hypoxia has been proposed as a significant factor in atherosclerosis and hence increases heart attacks and strokes. [3]

Recent guidelines from the WHO have outlined numerous potential harms/disadvantages of wearing masks including increased risk of self-contamination, headache and/or breathing difficulties, development of facial skin lesions, irritant dermatitis or worsening acne. [4]

Why have these risks not been communicated to the public? The current guidance does not list any of these health issues as reasons to avoid wearing a mask. [1] Why is this? Do we need to wait until mask wearing causes serious injury or death before these questions are answered?

Ineffectiveness of masks:
Advice from the WHO published in April stated that “there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.” [5]

A systematic review of the evidence, in which 17 studies were analyzed, concluded that, “None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.” [6] This well referenced article from the School of Public Health states that “ the extremely low efficiency of cloth masks as filters and their poor fit, there is no evidence to support their use by the public or healthcare workers to control the emission of particles from the wearer.” [7] Another recent paper which reviews the evidence concludes that “Masks and respirators do not work.” [8]

If all of the available scientific evidence and the WHO agree that wearing a mask will not prevent contracting or the spreading of respiratory viruses - why have the Irish government started advising us to wear one at this stage?

The CDC came out with a report a few weeks ago where they put the fatality rate at 0.4% for Covid-19 [9]. When using a conservative percentage of 35% of asymptomatic people, that would bring the overall figure fatality rate down to only 0.26%. This is a far cry from the original estimate of 3.4% by the WHO [10] that prompted world wide lockdowns and draconian restrictions.

It is long past time to end lockdown and all lockdown restrictions completely including social distancing and wearing masks. There is evidence to show that wearing masks can be harmful and none to show that they are in any way effective in preventing people from contracting Covid-19. We now know that for the vast majority of people Covid-19 is a mild illness with a very low fatality rate.[7] Add to this, that there are highly effective treatments for the small minority that are vulnerable to it, as we have covered in previous updates [11] - it really is high time to end lockdown fully and stem the damage it is causing to so many of our citizens.

Will you help us? We need to reach more people that may not be aware of this information and invite them to sign this petition. Please contact people you know today and ask them to sign and share.


10.06.2020 18.46

Dear Supporters,

Our last update was about effective treatments for Covid19 - in particular Hydroxychloroquine - a drug that has been in existence and common use for over 60 years and as our last update shows one that has numerous studies showing it’s excellent success rate for Covid19 when given early. [1]

However there have been some studies that appear to show the opposite. A study [2] on US veterans given Hydroxychloroquine appears to show its ineffectiveness. This study has been severely criticized by infectious disease expert Didier Raoult. He exposes several major biases with the study [3].

The study was done with three groups. One received Hydroxychloroquine (HC), one Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin (HC+AZ) and the third was the control group. As stated above Hydroxychloroquine must be given at the onset of symptoms, however, in this study it was not given until the end stages of the disease. Another issue was that the severity of the illness in the groups receiving HC was much greater than the control group. In addition the control group or ‘untreated’ group actually received AZ in 30% of cases!

A large study published in the Lancet [4] a few weeks ago did not find any benefit for the use of Hydroxychloroquine. This study has had a huge impact, with the WHO halting global trials of the drug in 17 different countries. They stated that “There is no empirical evidence at this point that these drugs work in this case either for treatment or for prophylaxis” [5].

This will obviously have had an impact on doctors prescribing in Ireland too. However, there are very serious questions that have been posed concerning the integrity of the data. Over 170 doctors and medical professionals from across the world have written an open letter to the authors and to the Lancet listing 10 major concerns [6].

For example, the study reports patient data from Africa that requires sophisticated patient monitoring technology and electronic medical record systems. If this was correct 40% of Covid deaths in Africa occurred in Surgisphere-affiliated hospitals with this technology. Both the number of deaths and cases, and the details provided, seem unlikely to say the least.

This article [7] gives an excellent explanation of why much of the data seems implausible as does this one [8] by James M Todaro, MD. In addition, data scientist Peter Ellis, says “there is simply no plausible way I can think of that the data are real… I believe with very high probability the data behind that high profile, high consequence Lancet study are completely fabricated.” [9] An article in the Guardian likewise says this calls “into question the integrity of key studies published in some of the world’s most prestigious medical journals.” [10]. The study has now been retracted as reported in the Guardian due issues around data integrity [11].

Although the study has been retracted, it is obvious that it has had a serious impact. The retraction has not received the wide media coverage as the study results did initially. Many people including health professionals will now have the perception that the drug is unsafe and ineffective. How many lives has this cost? The WHO has said that trials will be resumed but will they have difficulty in recruiting patients, given this public perception? Will doctors be confident to prescribe it?

Suppression of information on successful treatments
This article asserts that expert testimony before the US Senate on successful treatments for Covid19 was ignored by the mainstream media in the US. [12] Are Irish media outlets making the same grave mistake? After all, the successful studies that have been done on this particular treatment date back to February - a long time in a pandemic situation. Why has the media not been posing the hard questions to the Irish government and asking whether these treatments are available? Again if not, what has the impact of this been on people in Ireland? Could deaths have been prevented and severe symptoms/hospitalization avoided? And what of the impact on the majority of the population forced to endure draconian restrictions as a result of lockdown?

Finally, if we have a highly effective treatment that can be used for the minority of the population that are more at risk from Covid-19 - why are we still in lockdown?

We know that you feel as we do, we need more signatures to make our voices heard, please ask five people you know to sign our petition today!?


04.06.2020 17.08

Dear Supporters,
As time goes on it becomes increasingly evident that the current lockdown restrictions are not evidence based. For instance, there is no scientific basis for social distancing and the arbitrary distance of 2m.

There are many questions that need answering such as:

Why does the government not employ the treatment of Hydroxychloroquine for the illness? It has been shown to be successful when used in vulnerable patients at the start of symptoms. This same treatment is also being used by leaders as a preventative treatment, why is the government not using it with our vulnerable?
Why does the government not use the MATH+ protocol [1] which uses intravenous methylprednisolone, high-dose intravenous vitamin C, full-dose low molecular weight Heparin and optional treatments with thiamine, zinc and vitamin D?

Evidence is accumulating to show that Hydroxychloroquine - a drug with a 60+ years track record - is an effective treatment for covid19.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) published this article [2] which states, "Hydroxychloroquine Has about 90 Percent Chance of Helping COVID-19 Patients". It also includes this list of peer reviewed studies [3] based on which they conclude that:

"The HCQ-AZ (Hydroxychloroquine - Azithromycin) combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, appears to be a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagious infectivity in most cases."

Professor of Epidemiology, Harvey Risch of Yale urges the use of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin as an early therapy for COVID-19 [4] .

Some of these studies were carried out three months ago in February such as the work of Dr Didier Raoult (the number one global expert on communicable disease according to So, is the Irish government aware of these studies? Have their advisors been investigating treatments such as above? If so, have they been offered to those at risk that have been diagnosed with covid-19? If not, why not? And how many deaths might have been prevented if they had? Also, if we now have a treatment that is highly effective for the minority of people that are at risk - why are lockdown restrictions still in place?

We know that you feel as we do, we need more signatures to make our voices heard, please ask five people you know to sign our petition today!?

Coming next: Information on flawed Hydroxychloroquine studies and suppression of information on successful treatments


14.05.2020 15.50

The updated text was not showing in the petition so we added it again

New petition description: We call on the Irish government to end the enforced restrictions and lock down of the people of Ireland without any conditions.
**Protecting Our Vulnerable Citizens**
Is something we fully support should they so wish, along with the advice that anyone who displays any cold like symptoms stays at home until symptoms have abated.
**Constitutional Rights**
We do not consent to the government’s removal of our constitutional rights including the right to privacy, freedom to associate, travel, assemble in public, interact socially, earn a living and freedom from arbitrary detention.
**World Health Organisation (WHO)**
The government’s actions have been based on the pronouncements of an unelected health authority, the WHO, and a computer predictive model by the Royal Imperial College London that was never peer reviewed [1] and was later found to have greatly overestimated the mortality rate.
The WHO and The Royal Imperial College are not independent authorities solely backed by nations. They are funded by private corporations and individuals, many with pharmaceutical ties [1].
**Actual Mortality Rate Of COVID-19**
As a nation, we have done as requested to mitigate the impact of the novel virus COVID-19 on our already beleaguered health system. The evidence no longer supports the crashing of our economy with the entailed loss of jobs nor the isolation, desolation and destruction of our societal structure.
There is no evidence to support of air-borne transmission [3]. Therefore the theory that this virus is airborne within the community; therefore, social distancing makes little to no difference to its spread. Washing hands, covering mouths or noses when coughing or sneezing need for restrictions beyond hand-washing, respiratory hygiene and cleaning surfaces is sufficient.
All emerging
evidence points to this virus having a similar mortality rate to seasonal influenza viruses. The as can be seen in the recent Stanford University antibody study which puts the fatality of those infected with COVID-19 at 0.1-0.2% [2], which [4]. This is 20-30 times lower than the WHO. Individual’s constitutional rights have been removed on the basis of a hypothesis without proof. Similar novel viruses in the past (H1N1) have not warranted this.
Mortality rate of
borne out also when countries' mortality rates for for COVID-19 is similar are compared to seasonal influenza. As of 05/05/2020: Italy reports COVID-19 deaths as 29,079 [3] similar to flu deaths reported during 2016/2017 of 24,981 [4]; the previous years influenza mortality rates e.g. The UK reports 44,000 [5] flu deaths for 2014/2015 compared to 28,734 deaths being attributed currently to COVID-19 [6].
[6]. Similar can be seen for Italy [6][7].
Individual's constitutional rights have been removed on the basis of a hypothesis. Previous novel viruses in the past (e.g.H1N1) have not warranted this approach.
**Trauma Caused By Social Isolation**
The death of a loved one is traumatic at any time. It is even more so now as they die alone, terrified and without the comfort of loved ones, even if they do not have COVID-19. Does the data support these extreme measures?
**Cause Of Death Reporting**
Has changed so we now no longer have true data with which to work. Deaths are being declared as COVID-19 without laboratory confirmation. The leading cause of death is being recorded as COVID-19 for those that had life threatening previous illness and were susceptible to die of many opportunistic infections. Why the change [7]?
The above means that the number of deaths is exaggerated for COVID-19. Even with these inflated numbers the overall rate may be lower than historical records for this time of year, according to European mortality monitoring activity [8].
**The Fear Factor**
Is being used reprehensibly by the government and mainstream media to control the people of Ireland. Italy is being used as a terror story to justify the removal of constitutional rights. It is not being widely reported that in Italy 99% of those who died had an underlying health condition that was known [9] [10] and that the average age of the deceased is over 80 years [10].
This is also true for Ireland. As of 05/05 there have been 1339 deaths, 86% had known underlying health conditions and the mean age of the deceased was 82 years [11] [12].
[12] [13].
Why do the government and media not report the number of recoveries both here in Ireland and worldwide? Currently (05/05) 1,203,850 (12/05) 1,575,629 have recovered worldwide as compared to 252,675 deaths out of a population of 7 billion.
billion [6].
Co-factors must be considered. Dr Marcus de Brun points out that one significant differing cofactor between the UK and Ireland is that the UK has 12 million residents over the age of 65 while Ireland has 675 thousand [13].
Since only the sick are being tested, we do not know how many have already had the virus and were asymptomatic. This means that the rate of morbidity (death rate) is artificially high as it is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number infected (which could be an unknown under-estimate) [14][15]. [4][14]. Fear is being driven by the reporting in the media of children dying of COVID-19. Media reports are misleading in that many have serious preconditions, e.g. leukaemia, Kawasaki disease, sometimes undiagnosed and some deaths are being misrepresented [16].
**What Is The Rationale For Lockdown?**
Quarantining What is the rationale for quarantining healthy people is experimental. Historically only those who were sick were quarantined.
on a long term basis? The curve has been flattened.

Neue Begründung: To prolong this experiment, the government needs to have strong evidence to back its decision.
As of the beginning of May: Sweden, who did not detain its citizens, has a death rate of 264 per million while Ireland has 260 deaths per million. Japan, who is also not in lock down, has 5 deaths per million [17].
If the government has evidence to back its decision, it needs to share it with the public.
Many experts worldwide are questioning the panic and governmental reactions of locking up their countrymen. See summarised statements from 30 such worldwide experts openly questioning the lockdown measures [18][19][20].
**Flattening The Curve**
The original reason given for the lockdown measures was to ‘flatten the curve’. This was to ensure that our already struggling Health Care System was not overwhelmed.
The Irish people complied. However, official statistics published by the government now show that the Health Care System was at no point overwhelmed. According to the latest Daily Operations Update by the HSE at no stage have confirmed COVID-19 cases in critical care beds exceeded 160 and numbers have been declining since the 10th of April. As of the 10/05, only 72 of the 257 critical care beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients. [21]
The government has taken over private hospitals at an expense to the taxpayer of €115 million a month, yet these hospitals are operating at only 33% capacity [22]. [20]. The fall out from this is that private consultants are no longer able to see their patients and many are referring to the “tsunami” of deaths and health repercussions that are imminent.
Has the government carried out an impact assessment on these actions?
**Treatment Versus Vaccines**
We have concerns about the government’s repeated emphasis on the need for a vaccine. The government has just contributed millions of the taxpayers money on the development of experimental vaccines which are being rushed to market. The manufacturers of these vaccines are looking for indemnity, indemnity[21], in other words, they cannot be sued if a person suffers an adverse reaction which can include death and lifelong health conditions.
We oppose any moves by the government to mandate these vaccines or to make them a condition of return to normal life.
According to Dr. Marcus de Brun, *herd immunity* is not the enemy, it is a natural and inevitable part of the process [23]. [13]. Once some 60-70% of a population have been infected and recover, existing infections are unlikely to spread within that population. Professor Knut Wittkowski says that “Earlier containment of low-risk people merely prolongs the time the virus needs to circulate until the incidence is high enough to initiate *herd immunity*” and that *herd immunity* is what ends infectious diseases. [24] diseases.[22] Professor Raoult, a recognized the number one global expert in the field of on communicable disease, says that quarantine disease and his work is not the solution and showing that it is a very treatable illness [25].
Ferguson, N. M. et al. Preprint (i.e. not peer reviewed) at Spiral (2020)
[2] &

Signatures at the time of the change: 32 (31 in Ireland)

14.05.2020 13.11

Sehr geehrte Unterstützende,

die Petition wurde gemäß unserer Nutzungsbedingungen überarbeitet. Die temporäre Sperrung wurde wieder aufgehoben und die Petition kann nun weiter unterzeichnet werden.

Wir bedanken uns für Ihr Engagement!

Ihr openPetition-Team

11.05.2020 14.15

We shortened the petition to include references directly on this page as we didn't realise this was needed. Go to for the full original text.

Neue Begründung: To prolong this experiment, the government needs to have strong evidence to back its decision.
As of the beginning of May: Sweden, who did not detain its citizens, has a death rate of 264 per million while Ireland has 260 deaths per million. Japan, who is also not in lock down, has 5 deaths per million [17].
If the government has evidence to back its decision, it needs to share it with the public.
Many experts worldwide are questioning the panic and governmental reactions of locking up their countrymen. See summarised statements from 30 such worldwide experts openly questioning the lockdown measures [18][19][20].
**Flattening The Curve**
The original reason given for the lockdown measures was to ‘flatten the curve’. This was to ensure that our already struggling Health Care System was not overwhelmed.
The Irish people complied. However, official statistics published by the government now show that the Health Care System was at no point overwhelmed. According to the latest Daily Operations Update by the HSE at no stage have confirmed COVID-19 cases in critical care beds exceeded 160 and numbers have been declining since the 10th of April. As of the 10/05, only 72 of the 257 critical care beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients. [21]
The government has taken over private hospitals at an expense to the taxpayer of €115 million a month, yet these hospitals are operating at only 33% capacity [22]. The fall out from this is that private consultants are no longer able to see their patients and many are referring to the “tsunami” of deaths and health repercussions that are imminent.
Has the government carried out an impact assessment on these actions?
**Treatment Versus Vaccines**
We have concerns about the government’s repeated emphasis on the need for a vaccine. The government has just contributed millions of the taxpayers money on the development of experimental vaccines which are being rushed to market. The manufacturers of these vaccines are looking for indemnity, in other words, they cannot be sued if a person suffers an adverse reaction which can include death and lifelong health conditions.
We oppose any moves by the government to mandate these vaccines or to make them a condition of return to normal life.
According to Dr. Marcus de Brun, *herd immunity* is not the enemy, it is a natural and inevitable part of the process [23]. Once some 60-70% of a population have been infected and recover, existing infections are unlikely to spread within that population. Professor Knut Wittkowski says that “Earlier containment of low-risk people merely prolongs the time the virus needs to circulate until the incidence is high enough to initiate *herd immunity*” and that *herd immunity* is what ends infectious diseases. [24] Professor Raoult, the number one global expert on communicable disease, says that quarantine is not the solution and that it is a very treatable illness [25].
[22]] [23]

Signatures at the time of the change: 32 (31 in Ireland)

11.05.2020 14.12

We shortened the petition to include references directly on this page as we didn't realise this was needed. Go to for the full original text.

Neue Begründung: To prolong this experiment, the government needs to have strong evidence to back its decision.
As of the beginning of May: Sweden, who did not detain its citizens, has a death rate of 264 per million while Ireland has 260 deaths per million. Japan, who is also not in lock down, has 5 deaths per million [17].
If the government has evidence to back its decision, it needs to share it with the public.
Many experts worldwide are questioning the panic and governmental reactions of locking up their countrymen. See summarised statements from 30 such worldwide experts openly questioning the lockdown measures [18][19][20].
**Flattening The Curve**
The original reason given for the lockdown measures was to ‘flatten the curve’. This was to ensure that our already struggling Health Care System was not overwhelmed.
The Irish people complied. However, official statistics published by the government now show that the Health Care System was at no point overwhelmed. According to the latest Daily Operations Update by the HSE at no stage have confirmed COVID-19 cases in critical care beds exceeded 160 and numbers have been declining since the 10th of April. As of the 10/05, only 72 of the 257 critical care beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients. [21]
The government has taken over private hospitals at an expense to the taxpayer of €115 million a month, yet these hospitals are operating at only 33% capacity [22]. The fall out from this is that private consultants are no longer able to see their patients and many are referring to the “tsunami” of deaths and health repercussions that are imminent.
Has the government carried out an impact assessment on these actions?
**Treatment Versus Vaccines**
We have concerns about the government’s repeated emphasis on the need for a vaccine. The government has just contributed millions of the taxpayers money on the development of experimental vaccines which are being rushed to market. The manufacturers of these vaccines are looking for indemnity, in other words, they cannot be sued if a person suffers an adverse reaction which can include death and lifelong health conditions.
We oppose any moves by the government to mandate these vaccines or to make them a condition of return to normal life.
According to Dr. Marcus de Brun, *herd immunity* is not the enemy, it is a natural and inevitable part of the process [23]. Once some 60-70% of a population have been infected and recover, existing infections are unlikely to spread within that population. Professor Knut Wittkowski says that “Earlier containment of low-risk people merely prolongs the time the virus needs to circulate until the incidence is high enough to initiate *herd immunity*” and that *herd immunity* is what ends infectious diseases. [24] Professor Raoult, the number one global expert on communicable disease, says that quarantine is not the solution and that it is a very treatable illness [25].
[22] [23]]

Signatures at the time of the change: 32 (31 in Ireland)

11.05.2020 14.09

We shortened the petition to include references directly on this page as we didn't realise this was needed. Go to for the full original text.

Neue Begründung: To prolong this experiment, the government needs to have strong evidence to back its decision.
As of the beginning of May: Sweden, who did not detain its citizens, has a death rate of 264 per million while Ireland has 260 deaths per million. Japan, who is also not in lock down, has 5 deaths per million [17].
If the government has evidence to back its decision, it needs to share it with the public.
Many experts worldwide are questioning the panic and governmental reactions of locking up their countrymen. See summarised statements from 30 such worldwide experts openly questioning the lockdown measures [18][19][20].
**Flattening The Curve**
The original reason given for the lockdown measures was to ‘flatten the curve’. This was to ensure that our already struggling Health Care System was not overwhelmed.
The Irish people complied. However, official statistics published by the government now show that the Health Care System was at no point overwhelmed. According to the latest Daily Operations Update by the HSE at no stage have confirmed COVID-19 cases in critical care beds exceeded 160 and numbers have been declining since the 10th of April. As of the 10/05, only 72 of the 257 critical care beds are occupied by COVID-19 patients. [21]
The government has taken over private hospitals at an expense to the taxpayer of €115 million a month, yet these hospitals are operating at only 33% capacity [22]. The fall out from this is that private consultants are no longer able to see their patients and many are referring to the “tsunami” of deaths and health repercussions that are imminent.
Has the government carried out an impact assessment on these actions?
**Treatment Versus Vaccines**
We have concerns about the government’s repeated emphasis on the need for a vaccine. The government has just contributed millions of the taxpayers money on the development of experimental vaccines which are being rushed to market. The manufacturers of these vaccines are looking for indemnity, in other words, they cannot be sued if a person suffers an adverse reaction which can include death and lifelong health conditions.
We oppose any moves by the government to mandate these vaccines or to make them a condition of return to normal life.
According to Dr. Marcus de Brun, *herd immunity* is not the enemy, it is a natural and inevitable part of the process [23]. Once some 60-70% of a population have been infected and recover, existing infections are unlikely to spread within that population. Professor Knut Wittkowski says that “Earlier containment of low-risk people merely prolongs the time the virus needs to circulate until the incidence is high enough to initiate *herd immunity*” and that *herd immunity* is what ends infectious diseases. [24] Professor Raoult, the number one global expert on communicable disease, says that quarantine is not the solution and that it is a very treatable illness [25].
2 Bendavid, E et al., (2020) ‘COVID19 antibody seroprevalence in Santa Clara County, California’, Stanford University
[1] [2]
[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25]

Signatures at the time of the change: 32 (31 in Ireland)

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