Region: Genève

Electronic Voting for 2021 Staff Council Elections at UNOG

Initiativtagaren är inte offentlig
Petitionen är riktat mot
Astrit Sulstarova
1 anhängare

Initiativtagaren skickade inte in petitionen.

1 anhängare

Initiativtagaren skickade inte in petitionen.

  1. Startad 2020
  2. Insamlingen är klar
  3. Inlämnad
  4. Dialog
  5. Misslyckade

New Wood Staff Union strongly urges every staff member to sign this petition addressed to Mr. ِAstrit Sulstarova, President of the Polling Board, to request that he proceed with the implementation of electronic voting, which he had previously helped the New York Staff Union to implement. We also ask the present-day majority at the Council to approve granting the funds necessary for said implementation and we collectively hold that majority accountable for providing the necessary funds. The current voting procedure, which in “normal” times registered a participation rate of only about 30 %, is no longer appropriate. An alternative voting procedure is thus urgently needed.

To access the full text of this petition, please visit our website:


Electronic and anonymous voting, in addition to allowing massive staff participation, is a means of giving real legitimacy to those who will be entrusted with serving the best interests of the staff. Remote working resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is making the move to electronic voting even more urgent. Therefore, each staff member should be empowered and enabled to vote in February 2021. The ILO Staff Union, the UNHCR, Credit suisse, and other major entities and coporations all over the world, have opted for electronic voting. UNOG Polling Board has to follow suit.


New Wood Staff Union

Thank you for your support, Syndicat New Wood des Nations Unies**,** Geneva

Tack för ditt stöd

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