37 signatures
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Petition is addressed to: French International School of Tirana, Embassy of France in Albania
Dear Madame / Sir!
We, the parents of the children enrolled at EFIT are writing this letter in wake of the recent developments and the continuous non-inclusive reactions received from the school administration.
As parents we chose to enrol our children in The French Education System, in French, of which EFIT is the sole representative in Albania. Having put our faith in it since the beginnings, we do wish the prosperity and development of EFIT.
Having said that, here are the main issues we feel need to be addressed in order that the school could attract more families, thus having a more steady process of enlargement, be it in quantity and quality at the same time.
I. Financial consistence and transparency
For the third year in a row, total sum of fees (incl. new ones) is subject of a steady increase, varying between 5-15%. For the next year 2024-25, the benefits for registering early have been removed. Two new fees have been introduced: a monthly fee for usage of cantine facilities by children that bring their lunch, and a fee for additional French classes for children that come from other schools.
Last year these increases were justified by a wave of investments in infrastructure, trainings, salaries increase, all these over the background of "heightened economical and geopolitical tensions", and citing the inflation in Albania. One year later, same these changes were advertised as "investments made by the Odyssey Group in our school".
Although this financial regulatory document is presented in advance, the phrase "le montant ... ...est susceptible d’ajustements à la marge et ne sera définitivement fixé que fin juin 2024." still remains unfair to the families, which in any possible change in June, it will be very difficult to find appropriate alternatives for their children.
All these, create a picture where the school does not have a clear strategy regarding school fees, but relies on whatever can be gained. Based on these developments, we request the following:
- A clear, structured vision of the school fees, allowing families planning, without pushing them to a corner where they do not have a choice but to accept. If the school prefers to keep the model of incremental increase every year, it should be clearly based on the inflation of the requested currency, and clearly indicated on enrolment paperwork for new families. If not, and the school needs major fee increases (bigger than the above-mentioned, like the one implemented last year), then the fees must remain unchanged for at least a couple of years.
- The phrase “Dans le contexte de grande tension économique actuel, nous vous informons que le montant indiqué pour les frais de scolarité xx-xx est susceptible d’ajustements à la marge et ne sera définitivement fixé que fin juin 20xx.” should be removed to avoid any unexpected circumstances for the families.
- We request the return of discounts for early re-registration fees (if not their complete removal). Similar benefits are kept for initial registrations, making it unfair to existing families if they are stripped of these benefits.
- We request the removal of the fee for usage of canteen facilities, as not justified with the conditions provided and because of different needs of children.
The raise of fees should be converted into a raise of the quality / quantity of the pedagogical (not limited to) staff. Issues like shortness of teaching staff, or assistants should not be present even before, let alone after raising the school fees. Therefore,
- We demand the fully clarified staff list for the next academic year, at the same time as the financial regulatory document is issued. All the classes (at least the levels homologated) should have full staff. Replacements of teachers by those of other classes’ (as happened the last two years) is not something a school at EFIT’s level should have.
- Based on the law for the primary education, the qualifications and certifications for the matter they teach (including psychological), from the French Min. of Education, of main teachers should be available at parents’ request.
II. Infrastructural developments
We praise the efforts the administration put on improving the school environments. Nevertheless, would like to see a more informative / inclusive approach towards the families for changes to be done in school, when they are planned, to leave space for any reaction or/and help, if any needed. This requires a more clear plan and timeline for all infrastructural changes, which affect the school’s everyday life.
III. Security and safety
- Security staff should be a separate unit, not dealing with everyday tasks of the school. Their duty shall be ensuring the security of the school territory and vicinity during exit hours.
- Safety in the school territory should be unquestionable. No construction works should be done during recreation or exit hours, even outside the fence. Children’s reactions can be unpredictable, so the environment should be preserved safe.
We, the parents chose to enrol our children in The French Education System. Therefore, we wish that the representative of this system in TIrana, should reach higher levels. We do believe that this is possible only by more transparency and consistence in decisions, which affect all the families and the staff.
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Enhance collaboration between school administration and the representatives of the class. Increance of transparency in the decision making.
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