Regione: Vokietija
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Stop the Union-Busting against Facebook Content Moderators - Solidarity with Cengiz!

Peticija adresuota
Unternehmen Telus
1 763 Palaikantis

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1 763 Palaikantis

Rinkimas baigtas

  1. Pradėta birželio 2023
  2. Rinkimas baigtas
  3. Parengti pateikimą
  4. Dialogas su gavėju
  5. Sprendimas

Shortly after content moderator Cengiz Haksöz spoke at the Digital Committee of the German Bundestag about his working conditions, Facebook’s outsourcing company TELUS International, which has 1800 employees, sent him on leave and banned him from entering the company.

Cengiz Haksöz is the chairman of the election committee for the works council. TELUS and Meta are engaging in union busting and obstructing the works council election scheduled for the beginning of July. 

In Germany, everyone has the right to inform members of the Bundestag about their working conditions. Cengiz Haksöz has made use of this right and is being harassed and intimidated by his employers for doing so.

"Meta and TELUS International are attempting to obstruct the establishment of a works council. In doing so, they are violating Article 9 of the Basic Law - the right to join together to improve working conditions", says Christoph Schmitz, Member of Board ver.di

Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft (ver.di) along with non-profit organisations Superrrr Lab and Foxglove Legal are demanding an immediate stop to union busting. The formation of the works council at TELUS International must be allowed to take place without restrictions, the election committee must be able to resume its work in preparation for the election and Cengiz Haksöz must be able to carry out his tasks as chairman of the election committee unhindered!


Meta and TELUS have established a culture of fear and secrecy among content moderators in recent years. With this practice, the companies deliberately prevent workers from organizing under labour law and advocating for better working conditions. The current conditions are characterised by exploitation and psychological stress. The content moderators are paid precariously and do not receive sufficient psychological support commensurate with their extreme work. More than 300 of them recently published a manifesto with demands.

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