On the taxation of electric car charging in Finland 

Peticija je upućena na
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
4 Potpora 4 u Europska unija

Zbirka završena

4 Potpora 4 u Europska unija

Zbirka završena

  1. Pokrenut 2019
  2. Zbirka završena
  3. Pripremite podnošenje
  4. Dijalog s primateljem
  5. Odluka

Ovo je online peticija Europskog parlamenta .

prikažite Hrvatska peticiju

The petitioner deplores the taxation of electric car charging at the workplace introduced by Finland on 1.1.2019. In his view, this is not conducive to a better climate policy because it discourages the purchase and use of electric cars. He also deplores the hefty taxation of low-emission gas vehicles, which discourages their purchase, and a high propulsion tax on diesel cars, which encourages their owners to drive rather than use public transport or bicycles.

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