
On the situation of teachers with an ITP (Insegnante Tecnico Pratico - technical teacher) diploma in Italy 

La pétition est adressée à
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
1 Supporter 1 en Union européenne

Collecte terminée

1 Supporter 1 en Union européenne

Collecte terminée

  1. Lancé 2019
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Préparer la soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

Il s'agit d'une pétition en ligne du Parlement européen.


The petitioner complains about the unfair exclusion of teachers with an ITP (technical) diploma from the group of second-grade graduates for the three-year period 2017-2020. She has an ITP diploma which entitles her to teach B011 (agricultural science laboratory) and B017 (agricultural mechanics) classes. The petitioner takes the view that she is the victim of discrimination by the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research, which is refusing to allow her to teach in Italian vocational training schools. She is therefore asking Parliament to verify whether the Italian law is compatible with EU legislation.Information– The petitioner has lost an appeal in a ruling by the Italian Council of State.

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