
On the lack of transparency of information on products sold in the European Union obliging vegetarians in the EU to consume non-vegetarian products 

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
6 Apoiador 6 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

6 Apoiador 6 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

  1. Iniciado 2020
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Preparar submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Esta é uma petição online do Parlamento Europeu.

A reencaminhar

The petitioner complains that, as a result of the lack of transparency in product labelling in the European Union, people who follow a strictly vegetarian diet are obliged to consume products which contain ingredients that are not acceptable, for example, for Jains from India. The petitioner says that products should provide transparent information without using codes that might be misleading in terms of the composition of allegedly vegetarian products.

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