
On the alleged violation of the EU Habitats Directive  

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Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
2 Apoiador 2 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

2 Apoiador 2 em União Europeia

Colecta finalizada

  1. Iniciado 2019
  2. Colecta finalizada
  3. Preparar submissão
  4. Diálogo com o destinatário
  5. Decisão

Esta é uma petição online do Parlamento Europeu.

A reencaminhar

The petitioner alleges a violation of the EU Habitats Directive by Denmark’s decision to build 150-meters-high wind turbines at Turebylille, south of Køge, where he claims there is a high concentration of “broadband bats” (Bredøret flagermus), a protected species listed in Annexes II and IV of the Directive. He claims that bats are killed by the wind turbines and calls on the EU to immediately require the installation of bat detectors which, when triggered, must immediately switch off the turbines.

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