Соціальні питання

On granting a visa or a humanitarian residence permit in Denmark to the petitioner’s Venezuelan wife 

Петиція адресована
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
3 Підтримуючий 3 в Європейський Союз

Збір завершено

3 Підтримуючий 3 в Європейський Союз

Збір завершено

  1. Розпочато 2019
  2. Збір завершено
  3. Підготувати подання
  4. Діалог із одержувачем
  5. Рішення

Це онлайн-петиція Європейського парламенту .


The petitioner, a Danish citizen who lived in Venezuela for 18 years, complains that upon his return to Denmark in June 2017 the immigration authorities refused to grant asylum and a humanitarian residence permit to his wife, a citizen of Venezuela.Together, they have a minor daughter.An appeal is pending, but the petitioner fears that, in case of rejection, his wife will have to return to Venezuela, where living conditions have become unbearable, where his wife will not have access to the medication that she needs, and that they will no longer be allowed to live together as a family.

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