Ochrony zwierząt

On behalf of PETA UK, PETA France, PETA Germany and PETA Netherlands, on a moratorium on animal experimentation 

Petycja jest adresowana do
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 0 w Unia Europejska

Zbiórka zakończona

0 0 w Unia Europejska

Zbiórka zakończona

  1. Rozpoczęty 2020
  2. Zbiórka zakończona
  3. Przygotuj zgłoszenie
  4. Dialog z odbiorcą
  5. Decyzja

To jest petycja internetowa Parlamentu Europejskiego .


The petitioner asks for a Europe-wide moratorium on the use of animals in scientific research while the value of such experiments is being assessed and recognised. She argues that research shows that animal experimentation has contributed very little to current knowledge regarding infectious diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, strokes, cancer, and many other human illnesses. According to the petitioner, the future of science lies in cutting-edge, non-animal methodologies such as organs-on-chips, 3-dimensional human skin cultures, micro-models of the brain, and computer models that can accurately predict what happens in humans.

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