
On behalf of Federation for Hunting and Conservation Malta (FKNK), on criminal proceedings started by the NGO Birdlife Malta against 6000 licensed hunters 

La pétition est adressée à
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments
0 Supporter 0 en Union européenne

Collecte terminée

0 Supporter 0 en Union européenne

Collecte terminée

  1. Lancé 2020
  2. Collecte terminée
  3. Préparer la soumission
  4. Dialogue avec le destinataire
  5. Décision

Il s'agit d'une pétition en ligne du Parlement européen.


The NGO Birdlife Malta has allegedly started criminal proceedings against anyone who received a special license for Quail Hunting and went hunting during the spring of 2020. The NGO allegedly claims that those hunting activities go against Maltese Law and European regulations, while the petitioner believes that the action taken by Birdlife Malta is unfounded, abusive and vexatious. The petitioner calls for the protection of the hunters in Malta by the European Parliament and the European Commission.

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