Foreign affairs

EU-hosted Russian websites as information channel to spread the truth about the events in Ukraine

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Ministries of Digital of corresponding Member States, EU web hosting services

93 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

93 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Ministries of Digital of corresponding Member States, EU web hosting services

Many smaller Russian web sites are hosted on European services, such as Hetzner Online GmbH, SCALEWAY, Linode LLC, etc. This creates a possibility to deliver important information even for many people affected by censorship in this country. Hosting services should use this possibility to break through the propaganda and deliver truthful information to people in Russia. Local governments of Member States should consider issuing corresponding laws.
Possible implementations:

  1. Redirect requests to web pages in Russian to dedicated page, containing important information.
  2. Show the banner with important information for few seconds before returning actual website (for example like DDOS-protection banner "Checking browser" which is demonstrated for few seconds on some websites)
  3. Any other technically possible measure

Possible information to show:

  • Fact that this is a full-scale war, not "special operation" as declared by their government. Photos of destruction in Ukrainian cities
  • Losses of Russian army. Websites and hotlines where relatives of soldiers can get information about member of their family.
  • Consequences of sanctions. Impoverishment of majority of population if the war won\\\'t stop.
  • Simple text describing that only Russian people can stop this war now.


Russia started a war against Ukraine. Number of deaths is already above 10000. They must be stopped.
Their government introduces censorship, hides number of real deaths and even closes mass media who used the word "war". Ignorance and disinformation is one of the main weapons of Putin\\\'s system. Weapons against their own people.

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition started: 03/03/2022
Petition ends: 05/02/2022
Region: European Union
Topic: Foreign affairs


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