Civil rights

BERLIN PEACE ACCORDS - putting an end to the world war on Cannabis!

Petitioner not public
Petition is addressed to
Donald Tusk,EU Commission President cc: Donald Trump USA President, Angella Merkel Germany Chancellor and Peter Thomson United Nations President

154 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

154 signatures

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2017
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

Petition is addressed to: Donald Tusk,EU Commission President cc: Donald Trump USA President, Angella Merkel Germany Chancellor and Peter Thomson United Nations President

The war's over man.

Governments have spent 80 years trying to criminalize a plant we humans have used for over 10,000 and we want it to stop now.

It is our basic human right to have the ability to enjoy this plant without fear of incarceration or limitations on its commerce.

It is our basic human right to have multiple ways to enjoy, grow and medicate with our plant and we demand that no commercial organization be provided exclusive use or rights.

"We the people..." call on all governments, in all countries, to immediately declassify our Cannabis plant and make it equal to a tomato plant in the eyes of the law.


BERLIN PEACE ACCORDS We the people of the Year 2017 do…

Hereby declare that it is our inalienable basic human right to have the freedom to grow, medicate and enjoy the plant we call Cannabis, without any governmental limitations.

We demand our plant has no more regulations or limitations than a tomato plant.

It is our basic human right to have control of what we choose to put into our body.

It is our basic human right to have the ability to enjoy this plant without fear of incarceration or limitations on its commerce.

It is our basic human right to have multiple ways to enjoy, grow and medicate with our plant and we demand that no commercial organization be provided exclusive use or rights.

For 10,000 years humans on our planet have enjoyed the benefits provided by our plant. With my signature below I do hereby attest it is my wish that “we the people” have the right to consume our plant as we wish.


Wir, die Menschheit des Jahres 2017…

Erklären hiermit unser unveräußerliches Menschenrecht auf Anbau, Medikation und Konsum der Pflanze mit dem Namen Cannabis ohne jegliche staatliche Einschränkung. Verlangen, dass unsere Pflanze keine anderen Auflagen und Einschränkungen als eine Tomatenpflanze hat.

Stellen unter unsere eigene Kontrolle, was wir unserem Körper zuführen. Bestehen auf unser Grundrecht, diese Pflanze zu benutzen ohne die Androhung von Freiheitsberaubung und ohne Nutzungsbeschränkungen.

Es ist unser Grundrecht, auf verschiedenste Arten Zugang zu Cannabis zu haben und keine kommerziellen Interessenverbände das Recht auf exklusive Nutzung oder Rechtsanspruch erhalten.

Seit Urzeiten haben die Menschen die Segnungen unserer Pflanze genutzt.

Mit meiner Unterschrift lege ich hiermit Zeugnis ab über meinem Wunsch, dass „wir, die Menschen“ das Recht besitzen, unsere Pflanze nach unseren Wünschen zu benutzen.

Thank you for your support

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Petition details

Petition started: 04/18/2017
Petition ends: 04/17/2018
Region: European Union
Topic: Civil rights


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