Politica exterior

Appeal to Pope Francis to travel to Ukraine as an ambassador for peace

Peticionario no público.
Petición a.
Holy See, Vatican

26 Firmas

El peticionario no ha hecho una petición.

26 Firmas

El peticionario no ha hecho una petición.

  1. Iniciado 2022
  2. Colecta terminada.
  3. Presentado.
  4. Diálogo
  5. Fracasado

La petición está dirigida a: Holy See, Vatican

We support the call by Wladimir Klitschko and his brother Vitaliy Klitschko, Mayor of Kiev, to seize every opportunity to end the war in the Ukraine and call on Pope Francis to travel to Ukraine as an ambassador for peace.
"I expressly appeal to the world's spiritual leaders to take a stand and assume the moral function that is incumbent upon them and to proudly assume the responsibility of their religions for peace." Wladimir Klitschko
Klitschko's appeal: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CauLxN4qvin/?utm_medium=copy_link
As Christians we turn to Pope Francis to show his and the worlds catholics solidarity with the Ukrainian people and to set an outstanding signal for peace. In an alliance with other spiritual leaders of the world and the population of different nationalities, a peaceful protest in Ukraine can send an unmistakable signal for the end of this war.


For peace and freedom for Ukraine

Gracias por su ayuda

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Detalles de la petición

Petición iniciada: 07/03/2022
La petición termina: 13/03/2022
Región: Unión Europea
Categoría, Tema: Politica exterior


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  • ending petition

    el 12/03/22

    Dear supporters of this petition,
    I have decided to end the petition as there is no chance of success.
    Thank you very much for your support!
    Danke! Grazie!

  • Dear supporters of this petition,
    I have decided to end the petition as there is no chance of success.
    Thank you very much for your support!
    Danke! Grazie!

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