Traffic & transportation

Support for the construction of the Pan-European Corridor 8

Petition is addressed to
European Commission; governments of the Republic of North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Italy and Albania

220 signatures

Collection finished

220 signatures

Collection finished

  1. Launched July 2024
  2. Collection finished
  3. Prepare submission
  4. Dialog with recipient
  5. Decision


08/01/2024, 08:53

I made a grammar correction. In original the sentence was "Driven by our active civic stance and a sense of duty to future generations", and I replaced "their" with "our".

New petition description:

To the European Commission,To the Government of the Republic of BulgariaTo the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia

Petition in support for the construction of the Pan-European Corridor 8

We, the undersigned citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia,

By expressing our support for the implementation of the Treaty of Friendship, Good-neighborliness and Cooperation between the two countries of 2017,

By expressing our support for infrastructural connection between the two countries, incl. Corridor 8, mentioned by them in a number of documents, for example the Treaty of 2017 and its 2019 and 2022 Protocols, the Memorandum of Understanding between Albania, Bulgaria and North Macedonia of October 2021, the joint declaration of Albania , Bulgaria, Italy and North Macedonia of November 2022, the declarations from the NATO Summit of July 2024, etc.,

By welcoming the success achieved so far at the EU level, such as the inclusion of Corridor 8 in the scope of the Western Balkans - Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor and the designation by the EU at the end of 2023 of the Kriva Palanka - Deve Bair section as one of the six flagship projects of the "Global Portal" strategy with secured financial support amounting to EUR 500 million,

We express our concern that some representatives of the government of the Republic of North Macedonia are promoting positions that could derail the plans to build Corridor 8 by diverting European funds for the construction of the rail component of Corridor 8 to another transport project.

,Driven by our active civic stance and a sense of duty to future generations,

We call on the governments of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria to act responsibly and in good faith towards all commitments and agreements made in order to timely build the sections of the route of Pan-European Corridor 8 on their territory,

We call on the European Commission to strictly monitor the implementation of the project, taking into account its great importance for connecting the countries in the region and taking into account the current geopolitical moment and the need to strengthen NATO's collective security in South-Eastern Europe.

New deadline: 30.01.2025
Signatures at the time of the change: 22

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