
Science in Action – Solidarität für (flüchtende) Menschen (in) der Ukraine (und darüber hinaus)

Petitioner not public
Petition is directed to
Wissenschaftler*innen an Universitären, Fachhochschulen und außeruniversitären Einrichtungen sowie Pädagog*innen in der Praxis, Schulbehörden und Ministerien
326 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

326 supporters

Petitioner did not submit the petition.

  1. Launched 2022
  2. Collection finished
  3. Submitted
  4. Dialogue
  5. Failed

03/16/2022, 10:30

In view of the appalling global political situation, it is essential that the scientific community assumes its socio-political responsibility. Therefore, under the title Science in Action, scientists from the fields of education and educational science have joined forces to react to the dramatic situation of the people in and outside Ukraine and to demonstrate solidarity in the most concrete way possible. In this way, beyond individual disciplines, all progressive and democratic forces are to be united in order to clearly criticize the belligerent demonstration of power by the aggressor, the rulers of the Russian Federation. In this context, we condemn the current forms of imperialism and nationalism in a diverse, intertwined globalized world and support all forces that oppose the war and actively and constructively work for the improvement of the situation in their sphere of influence. We show solidarity locally and globally with all humanitarian and peace movements in this regard.

It is therefore our concern to continuously draw attention to the situation of those affected as well as to the people acting in resistance – In Ukraine, in Russia and everywhere else. Among other things, we want to help those who are fleeing and those who are helping them. In the sense of direct action we support the collection of relief goods and material donations as well as the connection and networking with NGOs, which also have to be financially secured. We help to organize private accommodations and to provide public spaces for refugees and those in distress. As scientists we are above all in a position to network, convey and provide acutely necessary knowledge and helpful knowledge. With this petition we want to actively offer our support. We identify students, teachers and experts who provide professional assistance in the school education of students, in dealing with (sequential) war trauma, in the professional and social integration of refugees in their place of reception, etc. We are also in a position to provide support and advice to those in need. In addition to further networking of all socially and politically responsible forces, we also want to point out that people who are already affected by exclusion and disabled people are confronted with special challenges in this situation, because many displaced persons are also disabled persons.

Furthermore, we combine our expression of solidarity with the clear call to provide support, protection and solidarity to all those affected by war and flight. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the (cultural) racist differentiations that can currently be observed (also on the part of our own governments) between refugees from different regions of the world. Every human being is entitled to a dignified life in security and peace, regardless of skin color, origin and religion!

We hope you and yours are well despite everything and send warm and collegial greetings,

Barberi, Alessandro / Beyer, Karolin / Buchko, Kate / Donlic, Jasmin / Forghani-Arani, Neda / Hauser, Mandy / Jencio-Stricker, Elisabeth / Kaqirani, Tomas / Kleinlein, Eva Verena / Klöpfer, Lea / Kohlenberger, Judith / Krompák, Edina / Lindner Jana / Kremsner, Gertraud / Makarova, Elena / Matusche, Julia / Moll, Mirko / Müller, Matthias / Müller, Norina / Obermayr, Tina / Pronizius, Ekaterina / Mattes, Albert / Matusche, Julia / Proyer, Michelle / Reiter, Julia / Saerberg, Siegfried / Schirlbauer, Gabriele / Schlote, Elke / Schmölz, Alexander / Sowinetz Marie-Claire / Todorova, Boryana / Weidermann, Anne / Waburg, Wiebke / Zimmer, Julia / Baumgartner, Lena/ Bánki, Anna

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