
Protect children from freely available pornography on the Internet

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Petīcija ir adresēta
Petitionsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments

153 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

153 Paraksti

Petīcijas autors petīciju nav iesniedzis

  1. Sākās 2020
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  4. Dialogs
  5. Neizdevās

21.05.2022 02:11

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11.06.2020 20:15

Eine Literaturangabe unter einem Abschnitt

Neue Begründung: What future awaits us if children learn the relationship between women and men through freely available pornography?
Pornography captivates child's attention. Like a heroin shot, the consumption of pornography immediately fixes the child's curiosity. The young brain is responding. It calls for more arousal while it soaks up the sex depictions like a dry sponge and anchors them neuronally in the long term. In the excited state of trance on the monitor, the young brain structures form the first basic sexual arousal patterns, which can remain linked to the numb sex practices of the porn industry for life.
Porn sex practices are normal for teenagers today, and group sex is the latest trend among teenagers: / Literature: "Germany's sexual tragedy. If children don't learn more what love is. " Siggelkow / Büscher)
Free pornography leads us into a loveless and violent future!
13% of girls and 3% of boys now experience sexual violence from other adolescents.
Children rape children. Along with the free availability of pornography on the Internet, a third of all sexual offenses today started with minors. "When children sexually abuse children" (01/23/2016)
Pornography consumption does much more than just sexual excitement and entertainment, it implants completely wrong values, ideas and stereotypes for dealing with women in the brain of the user and has profound effects on the brain, psyche, relationships and our children's ideas of sexuality and the role of man and woman.
("Was uns heute unterhält, kann uns morgen töten", Iris Zukowski, Ruhland Verlag)
The free availability of pornography on the Internet serves market economy interests.
Pornography is highly addictive and a billion dollar business.
Never before has there been a freely available pornography offering in this dimension:
68 million search queries on the Internet refer to pornography every day 72 million people worldwide view pornographic websites every month 42 million websites have pornographic content (12% of all websites worldwide) 726 million porn films are played daily (3000 per second) 35% of all data traffic on the Internet is pornography
In Europe, the porn industry generates EUR 12.6 million a day,
in the US it is USD 10-12 billion annually.
50% of 11 to 13 year olds come into contact with pornography on the Internet
60% of boys between the ages of 14 and 15 watch porn with friends
66% of male adolescents between the ages of 16 and 19 consume pornography every day to every week, every fifth boy watches porn every day. (Pastötter, Pryce, Drey, 2008).
The omnipresence of pornographic representations of willing women, which serve as sex objects for the male instinct, is a backward trend in our social development, which in the long term nullifies the achievements of emancipation. Pornography creates an emotional world inside the recipient that is as real to the brain as reality. Stimulated by the porn industry, we experience dehumanized brutalization and sexualization of children and adolescents worldwide.
Why is there no child protection on the Internet?
The average age of the first consumer is 11 years. 40% of German children search for pornographic content on the Internet. Only 3% of the porn sites ask about the age of the users (
In 2013, the European Parliament, citing censorship, refused to ban porn on the Internet. The porn industry receives a free ticket to be able to reach as many users on the Internet as possible, which primarily include minors.
Freely available pornography damages the development of children into prosocial, lovable people and promotes sexual violence and the acceptance and increase in child pornography.
We can only stop this development together!
Please spread and sign the petition to the European Parliament on the implementation of the youth protection regulations on the Internet.
Thank you so much!
"The world is not threatened by people who are evil, but by those who allow evil."
(Albert Einstein)
Further information on the effects of freely available pornography on our life, our future and our society can be found at:
Thanks for your support!

Unterschriften zum Zeitpunkt der Änderung: 29 (27 in Europäische Union)

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